Page 105 of Teach Me
“I did nothing for Tanner that I did differently with my other long-term students. He got that grade on his own. I only helped him in the form of teaching him the best ways to learn.” And that hurt the most. I wasn't just staining my reputation. I was staining Tanner, Hazel's and everyone else I helped get better grades. Their hard work was going to be questioned because of me. Because of a stupid decision I made months ago.
“And getting extensions, and extra credit through sleeping with his professor?” Ralph joked, slapping me on the shoulder. I didn’t move, because I knew this would be my reputation now.
The cheat.
I shook my head, desperately trying to erase this conversation from my memory because I couldn't believe anyone would think that about me, no less tell others, and gossip about it behind my back.
“Ineverhad an affair with Professor Murphy.”
“But you did help to write student's papers?”
My mouth quickly shut because I couldn't answer that one with as much confidence. Connor's wicked grin came to mind, because he was the only one that had manipulated me, and I hated I fell for it so easily.
“I knew it!” Ralph pointed at me, his eyes wide, and a desperately happy smile gleamed across his face. He shook his head. “I can't believe it, but I knew there had to be some fudging involved.”
“I’ve got to go.” I walked past him, feeling like I might vomit, but knowing I was going to have to push that feeling to the side because I needed to be professional with the Dean. If he thought the same accusations of cheating were true, then I needed to be levelheaded and make a case for myself.
Was I going to go down because of this?
It sure felt like it.
“Miss Aster Page?” The Dean’s secretary called out, and I looked up with a smile. “The Dean is ready to see you now.”
Pulling my lips into my mouth, I nodded before blowing out a breath. I guessed this was it. I was about to find out my fate at Covey U, and I wasn’t prepared for it.
Sitting on a quiet bench off campus, I let the cool breeze skate through my hair as I glared at my phone. My mom's contact details stared me in the face, along with her gentle smile. She was going to get better. Her surgery had been booked in for a couple of weeks, and I was going to be there for her. She was becoming more positive because of it. And that was what I needed to focus on. My mom.
Not that my world was falling apart, because at least I wasn’t suffering from a potentially life-threatening injury.
A lone tear fell from my cheek, landing straight on the screen. I sighed, wiping it away because I couldn’t believe I was about to make this call.
Wiping my face, I pressed the call button, accepting my fate.
“Aster, honey, how are you doing?” Her infectious smile filled the screen before my picture came up. The minute it did, she frowned. “Aster? What’s wrong? Did Tanner break up with you?”
He should.
Because what the hell would he think when he found out the truth about what happened between me and Connor? Would he think the other stories were true? That I was cheating on him and cheatingforhim.
“Tanner’s fine.” I swallowed, not sure what else to say on that matter because I was certain my relationship would blow up in my face soon. And that was what felt like a stab in the gut. I loved Tanner. I wasn’t afraid to admit it. “It’s just, I, uh, have something to tell you.”
“What is it?”
“I've been suspended.” There. I put it out there. Quick and to the point, because I knew no matter which way I said it, it was going to suck. There was no point dragging it out.
My mom sat on it for a minute, letting the words sink in.
“I’m sorry, Honey. I think I misheard. What did you say?”
She was in denial. That was exactly how I felt. Well, that was until I was sitting in the Dean's office, and he showed me specific evidence of Connor cheating. I cursed myself because I should have said something when I found out he was cheating. Then maybe I wouldn’t be in the situation where every part of my integrity was being questioned.
God, I felt like such an idiot for ever thinking Connor would be good for me. For ever thinking I’d be able to join a sorority with Rachel as the President.
“I’ve been suspended.” One more time, and much clearer now.
“What?!” I glanced around, thankful that no one was in the park at this time of day, so no one was witness to her outburst. Not that I felt any less embarrassed about it. The fact that I was even saying this to my mom felt foreign. I was the girl that worked hard and focused on her grades. I got out what I put in, and I never thought this one tiny mistake would come back to bite so hard. “That can’t be right. Have you spoken to the Dean? This has to be a mistake.”
“It’s not.”