Page 116 of Teach Me
Because the questions were not only insulting to Aster, but to us.
They seemed to believe that the three of us were dumb as rocks and the only way we could have improved any of our grades was through Aster cheating for us.
What was more insulting than people thinking my girlfriend was a cheat? People thinking I was also a dumbass and the only way I could pass was to get her to cheat for me.
To say I was pissed off and exhausted was an understatement.
Aster hadn't been on campus for the last two weeks while she and Professor Murphy had been investigated, and the rumors that were flying around about my girl were absolutely crazy. People had made up their own minds, built on false assumptions, and none of them were true. Her reputation had been dragged through the mud, and I hated I was powerless to do anything, because the more I talked, the more people assumed I was in denial and just her lovesick puppy dog, wistfully believing that she might love me back.
I didn’t care about what others thought. Aster loved me, and I loved her. She was determined, vivacious, tenacious. Every word to describe an awesome human being, that was Aster, and I was absolutely fine if other people didn’t see her that way. She didn’t care either. It just meant more time for me.
“I can't believe they think Aster would cheat,” Hazel said.
Alex snorted obnoxiously. “That's because, technically, she did.” I glared at my hockey friend, and he shrugged. “Not being cruel about it, but she didn't report Connor when she found out he was cheating. That can call into question everything, including her integrity. She didn't cheat with us, but she let my coach's son cheat to stay on my team.”
“You're kidding, right? You're holding her accountable for the thingshedid. Next, you'll be saying that because Professor Murphy glanced at her skirt the wrong way, that was her fault too.”
“Yeah, Alex. I think that's a little stretch,” Hazel piped up. “Connor's not exactly dripping with integrity himself, and honestly, it feels like she was set up.”
“Yeah, we already know that Connor was overheard bragging about his accomplishments with her. He needed to use her as a scapegoat.”
Hazel bit her lip and shook her head. “No. It’s not that. I, uh, think there might be a little more to it.”
That drew my attention. “What do you mean?”
Hazel's cheeks heated as she looked between Alex and me. I could tell she was hesitant, but I wasn't going to let her stop talking. “Hazel, do you know something?”
She gulped, looking at Alex to help her, but he looked equally perplexed.
“I'm not entirely sure. It's just that I've heard a few things.” She was hesitant, and I didn't like it.
“Like what?”
“I guess I've just heard that Connor and Rachel were seeing each otherbeforeall of this happened.”
“What's that got to do with anything?”
“Well, a lot of people know that Rachel doesn't like Aster because of the threat she has on the sorority.”
I stood a little straighter. “What kind of threat? Aster doesn't care about it. She never has. She was only entertaining the idea of joining because her mom asked her to.”
“Maybe not. Maybe that's why Rachel doesn't like her. I heard they had a few run-ins when Aster first joined Covey. I think she might have said something along of the lines of not caring, but in an Aster kind of way, if you know what I mean?” Her lip quirked, and I knew exactly what she was getting at. My girl was feisty when she wanted to be. “I doubt Rachel liked that. Imagine someone who should have respect for everything you’ve done crapping on the path you chose so freely.”
I furrowed my brow. “Rachel’s a big girl. I’m sure she can handle a little criticism. I gave her plenty when she tried to ask me out on a date before I met Aster.”
“She tried to ask me out too,” Alex laughed.
Hazel's head whipped in his direction, and I thought something that looked a lot like hurt was sprawled across her face.Did I miss something? Were these two dating? I was out of the hockey loop, so I wouldn't know. “She did?”
“It was no big deal. It was after a game at the beginning of the season. She's a cleat chaser, a puck bunny, whatever you want to call her. Everyone knows it. She's just looking for an athlete and I'm guessing after her Hockey prospects dried up, she had to try out a new sport.”
“Rachel’s got a real chip on her shoulder, and I’m guessing Aster ending up with Tanner didn’t help her warmth toward her.”
I closed my eyes, trying to put all of Hazel’s conspiracies together, but my head was aching with all the questions from the Dean. I needed a minute to think about this on my own.
“You know what? I’m late for lunch with my sister. Hazel, if you hear anything else, will you let me know?” She nodded, and I slapped Alex’s hand, giving him a half hug.
After saying our goodbyes, I stepped back from Alex and Hazel and walked through campus, heading home with my head hung low. My mind was still whirring, and I didn't want anyone talking to me today because I knew they’d ask questions about Aster. Questions I was still trying to find the answers to.