Page 125 of Teach Me
“Do you think it would be weird if Jackson took me as his plus one to that wedding?”
We all whipped our heads in Thea's direction. She'd been so unusually quiet lounging on the sofa, I'd almost forgotten she was there. Granted, it was probably because she was currently stuffing her mouth with what was left of Matty’s barbeque chips.
“Firstly, you and Jackson going anywhere that resembles a date isn't going to happen.” Her brows rose as she took in my words, shock taking over all her features. Like she thought I'd be okay with her dating my roommate. “Secondly,I'mnot going to that wedding, so yes, it wouldbe extremely weird formy sisterto go when she doesn’t know anyone.”
She pushed out her big bottom lip. “Not true. I know Matty, Jackson, and I’ve seen Aiden in passing, so that’s more than no one. Besides, how do you expect me to meet my NFL husband if you won't let me go to an NFL wedding?”
“I thought you wanted me to take you?” Jackson looked unimpressed at Aster before turning his attention back to the Carolina Catfish game.
“Yeah? Because you’re my way in. Then I can upgrade once I’m there.”
Jackson rolled his eyes. “You're insufferable. Why are you even here?”
She lifted the bag of chips. “Because you guys have the best snacks. That, and Tanner’s my ride home.”
“How could I forget?”
“Also, we’ll be listening to Taylor Swift the entire ride home, m’kay?”
Aster just smiled, completely unfazed by my sister's quirkiness, which was another reason why I loved her.
“Who doesn't love TSwizzle?!” Thea glared around the room, watching to see if anyone would go against her. They wouldn't.
“Alright.” Adam broke the silence and lovingly gazed at Hayden. “Well, we better get going. It's getting late and we've got a long drive home to my parents.”
Hayden nodded, engulfing me in a hug.
“Aster's a keeper,” she whispered so only I could hear. “I'm so happy for you.”
“Thanks,” I mumbled, hoping Aster didn't hear. Although, I wasn't sure if it mattered. I already knew she was the one for me.
“What about graduation? Are you coming back for it?” I asked before picking up one of Adam’s bags. Jackson popped off the sofa to come and help too, as neither one of us wanted Adam putting any weight on his shoulders.
“Yeah. We're just dropping these bags off. Then we'll be spending our last few days in Covey next week.”
Adam and Hayden were graduating, which meant we'd have another space open in Aiden's house. A space that Aiden had yet to tell us which football player he deemed worthy of living with us. I had no idea how I made the list last year, but I was pretty sure it was because he wanted to keep a close eye on me. I couldn’t begrudge him for that, though. The rent was cheap, and on the whole, it was a pretty good place to live.
“Never say never.”
“It feels like an end of an era.” It was the only thing Adam had said, recognizing that this would be the last time we'd see him. We wouldn't play with him next year. Hell, we may never play together ever again, and something about that made me feel sad.
“The only era that's ending is yours, old man,” Jackson chimed in, grabbing one of Adam’s bags and rolling it to his side.
Adam rolled his eyes. “Two years. That's the gap between us, J.”
“Two college years. That's like eight normal years.”
“Yes, but I bet you'll be back here soon.”
Adam glared at him. “And what makes you think that?”
“Your Covey football era isn't done yet.” His gaze dropped to Adam's shoulder. “Your playing era… Who knows? What I do know is that whatever amount of playing time you have won’t be enough, and you don’t have enough charisma to be an announcer, so I think you're going to end up being a coach.” Jackson wiggled his eyebrows. “At Covey U.”
There was a momentary pause as Adam took in the suggestion.
“I’m not saying that won’t happen, because none of us know what our future holds, but what I do know is that I don’t have to spend another year listening to Aiden try to break the record for having the loudest sex possible.”
“Neither will the rest of you,” Aiden piped up, walking down the stairs smugly. No one had any idea what he was talking to, but that was normal when it came to Aiden. The guy was an enigma, stuck in his own world most of the time.