Page 34 of Teach Me
As Jackson gazed at her with a lazy grin, I knew I’d have to have a word with him. I wasn’t one for putting people off limits, but as the best tight end at Covey U, he had priorities for the team. Being with my sister wasn’t one of them.
“Thea,” I warned, but she just laughed it off, slapping me in the chest harder than she needed to, like she always did. How could people not see that she hid her insecurities with banter?
“Oh, please Tan Tan. We’re in college now. You can’t throw your weight around and stop me from talking to every guy like you did in high school.”
“It wasn’t every guy. It was teammates.” I took another glance at Jackson, and yup, he was still glazing over my sister, completely unaware that I was watching him. “And now that I have roommates, they’re especially off limits,” I said, still staring at Jackson, but he hadn’t taken notice of me, already taken in by my sister’s charms, it seemed. Then I looked back at Thea, who was seemingly unaware of his glances. “And don’t call me Tan Tan. You know I hate it.”
“Tan Tan?” Jackson chortled, interjecting himself in the conversation. “Why would anyone hate such a well-thought-out nickname?”
“Thank you!” Thea raised her hand, laughing. “I’m glad someone understands me.” Another glance over my shoulder, and I already knew that these two were going to be trouble.
“Thea, why are you here? Aren’t you supposed to be at GCC right now?”
“Uhh, surprise.” With her hands still lifted, she gave me a slanted smile. Her fingers danced when I didn’t say anything, but then she pulled me into another hug. “I transferred early.”
“What? How?”
My stomach was in knots because as much as I loved having her here, I was worried she somehow used my name to manipulate getting here early. It wasn’t like I had much clout, but before agreeing to attend Covey U, I made a stipulation with them that they would grant my sister a place if she brought her grades up for her transfer. That place was entirely contingent on my performance on the field, and right now, the only performance that could be assessed was my ass on the bench.
“Well,” she rolled out, taking her time because she loved the attention. “Someone transferred out of Theology, so they offered me a place on the course early since I’d picked up my grades. As if fate had something to do with it, there was even a space in the dorm I applied for, too.” She opened her arms, shaking her head in disbelief. “I accepted it because I couldn’t turn down the opportunity to be here with you.”
“I can’t -” I started, but Jackson cleared his throat, drawing our attention to him.
“Sorry, but are you telling me you studyTheology?” She nodded her head, and he looked at us, dumbfounded. That was how she usually left people, not that she realized it.
“Yes?” She waited for him to finish.
Shaking his head, he dipped his head down and adjusted the bill of his cap. “It’s like I’m living in a clown world.” Looking back up, he didn’t open his eyes when he said, “but your name is Thea?”
“Yes?” With a raised brow, she waited for him to provide a punchline. He just threw his head back and laughed.
“What? It’s not funny.” She flicked her dark hair over her shoulder, batting her eyelashes as she gave him a smile. “It was the closes subject to worshipping myself as I could get.” She cackled, and Matty finally looked up, and he stared at her with a bemused expression. He didn’t know how to take her, but again, most people didn’t.
“It’s me, hi. I’m the problem. It’s me.” Jackson raised both his brows, giving Thea a small wave, and she laughed. I guessed he didn’t have the same issues understanding her humor as some.
“Are you a Tay Tay fan?” She stepped closer to him, but I stopped her. “What?”
I was about to say something, but then my phone buzzed in my sweatpants. “Crap,” I cursed, knowing that was a reminder to meet Aster. “Thea, as happy as I am that you’re here.” I kissed her on the forehead, giving her one more hug. “I’ve got to go. Are you heading back to campus? I could walk you.”
A sly smile grew on Thea’s face. “Mhm. And where are you going, baby bro?” She teased.
“You’re older by three minutes,” I responded flatly.
She raised her head to the ceiling dramatically. “And boy, do I miss those three glorious minutes of alone time.”
“Says the woman who just travelled thousands of miles to come and be with me.”
She punched me playfully in the stomach. “What can I say? You’re like my freckles during the summer. I hate them until they’re gone. Then I think they’re kind of cute.”
“Okay, Polar Bear. Let’s go.”
“Polar Bear?” Jackson was standing now, heading over to us.
Thea rolled her eyes dramatically, groaning. “Ugh. At least Tan Tan is a cute nickname. Polar Bear is just mean.”
“Not my fault you’re so pale you’re almost translucent,” I elbowed her in the ribs, and she pushed me back. “Anyway, we’ve really got to go because I’m already sure I’m late.”
Thea’s lips pressed together. “Yeah, uh, I think I’m going to stay here, thanks.” She patted me on the shoulder, skipping past me to join Matty on the sofa.