Page 95 of Teach Me
“If you think I’m leaving you to walk home in the middle of the night on your own, then you don’t know me as well as you think you do.”
“But I don’t know how long it will be.”
He shrugged. “Doesn’t matter. Like I said, I’ve suddenly found myself free after my date ditched me.” He gave me an awkward smile and kicked the sidewalk. “I’ll just sit on the bench over there.” He pointed to the little bench under the streetlight.
“Only if you’re sure?”
“I’m sure.”
“Okay. I won’t be long.” I squeezed his hand and tipped on my toes to give him a quick peck on the lips. He didn’t let me go. His hand cupped my chin, holding me in place, deepening the kiss. As much as I wanted to keep going, I needed to get this meeting with Rachel over and done with.
He groaned as I pulled away. “I’ll try to be as quick as possible.”
“Aster? Is that you?” Wincing, I turned on my heel to see Rachel at the door. “Taylor told me someone was loitering outside.”
“Hey, Rachel.” I made my way over to her, wanting to get this over with.
“Come in. Come in.” When she looked over my shoulder, that fake smile she’d been sporting immediately dropped. “Tanner. I’m sorry, but it’s past nine, which means no boyfriends are allowed in the house.”
“No problem. I’m just going to be out here.”
Rachel’s hand slid across my shoulder as she led me in, showcasing the house as though I hadn’t seen it before. To be fair, the only time I’d ever been in it was when they were throwing a party, so it felt different with sorority sisters walking around in their PJs.
“Adeline, can you please make sure the laundry is finished? And Heidi, have you arranged the floral bouquets for next week?” she piped out order after order, clicking her fingers as though everyone should drop what they're doing to help her. She was so obnoxious.
“Is there a reason you needed to see me tonight?”
“Yes.” She flicked her hair over her shoulder, still not looking at me, but expecting me to follow behind her. Stupidly, I followed. She opened a door, and my jaw slacked in surprise.
“This is your office?” I couldn’t quite believe it. It was bigger than any bedroom I’d seen in this place, and it was immaculate. She sauntered over to her glass desk with gold ornaments on top of it. It looked like one of those tacky Pinterest offices for teenagers, but by the way she held herself as she sat in the chair, you could tell she was feeling herself.
“Yes. Take a seat.” She gestured to the fluffy, white chair facing her, and I did as she said.
“Seems pretty big for an office in this house, doesn’t it?”
“No bigger than any of the bedrooms.”
“But don’t the bedrooms have two or three girls staying in one?”
She stared at me blankly, as though she was completely unaware of the implication. “It’s just this is a lot of space for one person, when it could help give the other sisters more room.”
“Just an idea,” I drawled out, picking at the white fluff. I was almost certain it’d be clinging to my butt by the end of this conversation.
“Well, if you’re full of such good ideas, maybe you should run for president. Then you can choose to do what you want with this place.”
“Is the voting fair?”
That made her balk. “What are you talking about?”
I shrugged, enjoying messing with her more than I should. “Just heard that a lot of bribery goes on with those things. Wouldn’t want you getting in trouble.”
“If you’re that concerned about the legitimacy of our election process, then I urge you to be a part of it.”
“I’d have to be a sister first,” I muttered with disdain, more to myself than her, but I knew she heard it. She heard everything. Hell, she probably had cameras in this room, monitoring my every move.
As I shifted in the seat, I looked around the walls. They were full of paintings of Rachel and other sorority girls. Something about the fake smiles and perfect poses made this room feel a lot more sinister than it should have. It was almost like I was talking to a dictator.