Page 98 of Teach Me
“No. that was just an added benefit. Have I told you how much I love your cue cards?”
She nodded. “Yup. Pretty much every time I see you, and every time you show me another passing grade.”
I still couldn’t believe how helpful she’d been to me. I may not have been acing any other class except sports marketing, but I was passing with B’s. It was the best I’d ever performed in school, and it was all thanks to my amazing girlfriend.
“Well, I love your cue cards, but I figured since you’re here, maybe we could do some one-on-one testing?” I was feeling her out, seeing if she would take the bait.
She didn’t wriggle out of my touch. “Okay. Do you want me to test you on a particular topic?” She turned, incidentally moving my hand with her, and bringing it alarmingly close to her panty line.
Did she count as a topic?
“No. I think we should treat this like a pop quiz. Let’s see how much I remember.”
“You want me to give you a pop quiz?”
Yeah, I would have been looking at me quizzically, too, because who on earth would want to do that.
“Yeah, but maybe this pop quiz has different rewards if I get things right?”
Her smile dropped as she finally got what I was suggesting.
“What kind of rewards?” she asked, her thigh moving ever so slightly to open up to my fingers. I was skating them up and down her panty line now, enjoying the feeling of being so close.
“How about for every question I get right, I get to kiss you?”
She pursed her lips. “Sounds like a fair deal.”
“Wherever I like,” I added in.
She swallowed. “Wherever you want?” I nodded. “I feel like if I agree to that, things could very quickly get out of hand.”
Fair point. That was exactly what I wanted to happen.
Biting her lip, she thought about it for a second. “I’m happy to quiz you, but let’s set some ground rules.”
“Okay,” I said with trepidation. Honestly, the fact that she was agreeing to it was enough for me to be happy. If she wanted a few rules, who was I to deny her that?
“You can kiss me, but it can’t be anywhere that's not already visible.”
I raised my brow, taking in all the parts of her body that were covered, and thinking about the ways I’d be able to subtly break that rule. “Sure,” I said with a smile as I grasped her thigh and gave it a gentle push. “But you’re going to have to make some space for me.”
She rolled over, giving me a smile as she sat up and plumped the pillows against the headboard so she could lean against them. I just watched her, thinking about the first place I was going to kiss her when I got the chance.
“Okay, first question, what is the financial gain made in transactions?”
I pinned her with a glare. “Really, Teach? You’re starting easy.”
She rolled her shoulders. “Consider it a warmup round. My questions will get harder the longer we go on.”
As will something else, I thought to myself, but I didn’t voice it because she would feel how hard I was soon.
“Correct.” Grinning, I made my way to her, and kissed her on the lips. Cupping her cheek in my hand, I dipped my tongue in her mouth for good measure, not sure if it technically broke the rules, but the whimper Aster let out suggested she didn’t care.
Her body was already arching into mine, and my hands were ready to touch her, but I pulled away, wanting to be a diligent student.
“Ask me the next question before I take this too far.” Her lips were red and puffy, and I fought the urge to kiss her again.