Page 48 of Reuniting with Lucy
They finished their paperwork and left. “Good luck with the baby,” the older of the two paramedics said on his way out.
Lucy shot him a hard look. Did he not understand that when she said no one knew, it was implied she wanted to keep it that way? Kenny stood right behind the EMT but was talking to a customer. His lack of reaction made her think he hadn’t overheard. Her secret remained safe.
The patrons who had been waiting outside returned to the warmth of the shop. Lucy apologized for the inconvenience and offered everyone a free cup of coffee. Most were regulars and didn’t care about the coffee. They’d only stayed nearby to make sure Lucy would be all right.
The Three Musketeers approached cautiously. “You okay?” Archie asked.
“Yes. I’m fine.”
“You scared the bejesus out of us, Lucy,” Gene said. “Don’t do that again.”
“Yeah,” Walter said, nodding in agreement. “Our hearts can’t take it. Gotta say though. Kenny was a real champ. I watched him catch you and then really take charge to get someone to call 911 and clear the place.”
“I agree,” Archie said. “He kept his head and did great handling the emergency.”
“So I hear,” Lucy said. “I’ll be sure to thank him. And thank you for your concern.”
Once the commotion died down, she returned to her office and called the doctor, who wanted to see her right away.
Then she texted her family to let them know she was okay. Knowing the town grapevine, they would find out within the hour, if they hadn’t already, and the last thing Lucy needed was every Parker in New Bern at her door. Lizzie, of course, was the exception.
“Got here as fast as I could,” Lizzie said, sliding into Lucy’s office. “What the hell happened?”
“I passed out,” Lucy said. “You come from home?” At Lizzie’s nod, Lucy looked at her watch and said, “Wow, you made good time.”
“One of your baristas came across the street to get me and, when I wasn’t there, texted to tell me. Luckily, I was on my way to the car. You okay?”
“I feel fine now, but the doctor wants me to come in.”
“I’ll drive. Let’s go,” Lizzie said.
The doctor checked her blood pressure and did another ultrasound before declaring everything was still fine. Lucy felt a burden lift. She had a feeling the next eight months would be nonstop worry.
“I don’t think bed rest is needed,” Dr. Anders said, “But you do need to take it easy. If possible, skip an alarm in the morning, and just wake up whenever your body is ready. Be sure to get enough food and water and take the vitamins I gave you. And, of course, let me know immediately if this happens again. We’ll revisit bed rest if it does.”
Lizzie drove Lucy back to her condo and told her she and Emma would bring her car later. Then Lizzie tucked her into bed and made sure there was a water bottle and a sleeve of crackers on the nightstand.
“It’s not that big a deal, Lizzie,” Lucy said. “I’ll be fine.”
“I know, I know. Just being cautious. Not only for your sake, but the little one’s too.”
Lucy smiled. “Thanks, sis.”
Lizzie hugged her hard. “Never scare me like that again,” she said in a rare show of emotion.
“Love you,” Lucy said.
“Ditto,” Lizzie said. “Call if you need anything. I’ll check on you later.”
Apparently, “later” meant every thirty minutes until Lucy finally told her to knock it off. Her mother had called, and her sisters texted, but she kept them all from coming over by saying she planned to take a nap. The last couple of sleepless nights caught up to her, and she slept until awoken by a pounding at the door.
Jack had driven to Fayetteville to pick up the outdoor signs for the new coffee shop. He could have easily sent someone else, probably should have, but he was grateful for the four-hour round-trip drive. It gave him time to think about what had gone down with Lucy the day before yesterday.
He’d been a jerk and felt terrible. She’d been right about how he hadn’t given her feelings much consideration. She’s been very straightforward about wanting kids. It made sense she’d want a husband too. He’d hoped he could talk her into just living together. In fact, he’d been thinking about taking that step soon.
Their fast and fierce attraction had scared him, and he’d wanted to take some time to be certain the intensity of their feelings was more than just physical. The more time they spent together, the more confident he was they’d be great long term. She was sweet and smart and didn’t seem to care about his family’s money. He was ready to talk about moving in together but hadn’t factored in the importance of her life goals.