Page 53 of Reuniting with Lucy
“Your mom worries because she’s seen some ugly things go down over money. Nasty divorces, children being disowned, reputations ruined over false allegations. Not to mention all the legal battles and family estrangements. You’ve said you don’t want to marry again, but if that’s on the table, you could always ask her to sign a prenup.”
“She said she’ll sign anything,” Jack said. “I don’t know about marriage. Oh, Dad. I said some horrible things. Now that I’ve cooled off, I realize what a jerk I was.”
“You’ll figure it out, son. We can talk more at the company Christmas party on Friday. You’re still coming, right?”
Jack had forgotten he’d committed to that, but he had no reason not to go. “Sure. I’ll be there.”
He hung up, his mind still reeling. He’d expected his parents to come unglued—at least be worried, but neither seemed all that upset by the news. He wished he could have taken it in stride like they had. Instead, he’d gone off half-cocked and made some terrible accusations.
He owed Lucy an apology for that. Some niggling thoughts remained that maybe she’d duped him, but overall, he couldn’t see her doing that. They hadn’t known each other all that long—eight weeks was nothing in the grand scheme of things—but she seemed trustworthy. And if they were going to have a baby together, they should maintain a cordial relationship.
He’d call her and arrange a time to talk and smooth things over. Until the remodel was done, they still had to work together. And it looked as though another eighteen-year project was also in the making. They’d have to get along to finish that one too. He’d apologize and go from there.
The next day, Lucy was in her office paying invoices when Margie poked her head in after a light knock on the door.
“Hey, Lucy. There’s someone here to see you,” Margie said. “I didn’t know if you’d want to come out or if I should bring her back here.”
“Do you know who it is?” Lucy asked. If it were one of her sisters, they would’ve just barged in unannounced.
“Mrs. Meredith McAllister.” Margie threw her nose in the air and mimicked a prissy voice.
Jack’s mother. Great, just what Lucy needed. “I’ll come out there,” Lucy said. Better to have an audience for whatever was about to go down. She smoothed her hair, popped an Altoid, and waited a full minute before heading to the lobby. She didn’t want Meredith to think she was rushing right out to see her—as if she were at her beck and call. Seemed like a good power move to keep her waiting for a second.
Margie had seated Mrs. McAllister at a table out of the way. Fortunately, not within earshot of the Three Amigos. Lucy walked to the table and sat.
“Hello, Mrs. McAllister,” she said. “Nice to see you again. How can I help you?”
“Jack told us about the baby,” she said, dispensing with pleasantries. “I warned him, but he didn’t listen. I’m here to make a deal with you.”
“Oh,” Lucy said. “What kind of deal?” She had a feeling it wouldn’t be for babysitting. And it wouldn’t not be insulting.
Meredith slipped what looked to be a folded check across the table. “Take this and walk away. It’s all you’ll get from us.”
Lucy didn’t touch it. “So, super excited about a grandbaby, I see?”
She smirked, but remained silent.
“Did Jack send you?” Lucy asked, leaning back and crossing her arms. What kind of man would that make him? That he not only wanted to buy her off, but didn’t have the guts to do it himself. He had to send his mommy.
“Jack has no idea I’m here and would be furious if he knew. I’d rather keep this between us if you don’t mind,” she said, looking down her nose. Wow, she was snotty.
Lucy picked up the check and glanced at it, careful not to show any expression. Two million dollars?! Holy shit. She refolded it and laid it back on the table.
“Do you even realize how insulting this is? To both of us?” Lucy asked.
Jack’s mom’s eyes widened, clearly not used to being sassed or rejected.
“Jack had made it very clear he’s not interested in marriage or a baby,” Lucy said. “That’s fine. I told him, and I’ll tell you, I don’t want a single penny from him. I didn’t get pregnant on purpose to trap Jack or as some sort of money grab. So take your check, and if you can find room past the stick, shove it up your ass.”
Meredith was silent for a moment and then burst out laughing. “My, my. You’re a feisty one,” she said. “No wonder Jack likes you.”
She narrowed her eyes at Lucy, studying her as if trying to read her mind. Lucy sat stoned-faced, returning her stare and vowing not to break the silence.
“You really didn’t do this on purpose?” Meredith said, slipping the check back into her purse.
Lucy shook her head. “My sophomore year of college, I was told I couldn’t have kids. I cried for days. I grew up in a big family and always wanted one of my own. My twin sister agreed to be a surrogate when the time came, but it was devastating to know I’d never have my own. This pregnancy is a miracle to me, and I want this baby more than I’ve ever wanted anything. If Jack doesn’t want anything to do with it, if you don’t want anything to do with it, I don’t care. My family and I will give it enough love for all of you put together.”