Page 62 of Reuniting with Lucy
“I know, and I thank you,” Adam said. “If only Lizzie were as generous with the booze.”
Kate rolled her eyes, and Lucy chuckled.
“Everything looks fantastic,” Adam said. “Jack did a great job. I’m gonna go check things out.”
“So, he’s really not coming?” Kate asked after Adam left. There was no need to clarify who “he” was.
“Guess not.” Lucy shrugged. “He cc’d me on an email to his crew saying he had some business in Wilmington and couldn’t make it.”
“I’m sorry, sis,” Kate said.
“No problem,” Lucy said. “Gotta get used to going it alone. I’m fine. Really,” she added at Kate’s dubious look.
Lizzie, Daisy, and her parents came in and did the same amount of oohing and aahing. Emma and Dirk weren’t far behind them.
“There’s so much space. This is fantastic, honey,” her mother said. “I see you’ve expanded the baked goods section.”
“Just waiting for someone awesome to open a bakery nearby and start making products for me,” Lucy said. She and her sisters were trying to talk their mother into opening a bakery in the fifth storefront of the complex. Then Parker women would occupy all five spaces.
“We’ll see,” she said.
Word must have spread about Jack not coming because, other than Kate, none of her family asked about him. Just as well. She needed to move on and adjust to life without him. He’d told Lizzie he wanted to apologize, but Lucy hadn’t heard from him since, so apparently, that wasn’t a priority.
Her employees called her over to cut the ribbon that ran from end to end of the service counter. Her father, ever the politician, took charge and said a few words. He welcomed everyone, talked about the importance of small businesses, thanked Adam for taking a chance on this rundown eyesore, and relayed his excitement over seeing this little corner of town revitalized.
Lucy cut the ribbon with a pair of huge ceremonial scissors borrowed from her dad’s office at city hall. In a short speech, she thanked everyone for coming and announced that coffee was on the house for the rest of the day. There were several people she didn’t recognize. Hopefully, people she could win over and turn into loyal customers.
Surrounded by family and friends, she said a prayer of thanks. They were her support network and would do anything for her. She would be okay without help, but it was nice to know there was a safety net.
Someone tapped on her shoulder, and she turned to find Curtis.
“Hi, Lucy,” he said. “How’s it going?”
“Good, good,” she said, trying to hide her surprise. What was he doing here? “How about you?”
“Look,” he said. “I’m too nervous to piddle around with small talk. I heard you and Jack broke up, and I just wanted to see if there was any chance of us getting back together. I know it’s lame, but I still love you.”
“Oh,” she said. This was an unexpected turn of events. She thought about how easy it would be to say yes. To fall back onto something known and comfortable. Someone who loved her despite her flaws. Curtis would take care of her and treat her well. But being with Jack had changed her. She wanted more now—loveandpassion, someone strong that could also make her laugh, and a best friend she could say anything to. In short, she wanted it all. And Curtis wasn’t that.
Since she couldn’t very well get Lizzie to handle this for her—she was standing three feet from them—Lucy would have to woman up and do this on her own. His hopeful look was hard to resist, but she took a deep breath and mustered the courage.
She laid a hand on his arm. “I’m so sorry, Curtis, but I’m not in a place to get into a relationship right now. My life’s kind of complicated, and I’ve got some things to work out. I appreciate you coming here and telling me your feelings, but I don’t feel the same. I really am sorry.”
“That’s okay,” he said, his voice cracking. “I should have known. I won’t bother you again.” His eyes welled with tears, and to save him the embarrassment of crying in front of her, she turned away and went to find Lizzie.
Jack sent a quick text before getting on the road.Got the package. On the move.
The reply came almost immediately.Roger that. Plan’s a go. Meet you at the rendezvous point at 1400.
He laughed. You wouldn’t think it when you first met her because she was so meticulous and business-like, but Kate was funny.
On the drive from Wilmington to New Bern, he thought about and rehearsed what he planned to say to Lucy.
His dad’s advice to simply be sincere seemed easy enough to follow until he realized everything he came up with sounded corny. After multiple attempts to craft something poetic and profound, he finally decided just to wing it—lay it all on the line, tell her how he felt, and go from there.
This wasn’t a sure thing by any means, but he knew Lucy loved him. If she could forgive him and believe that he’d changed his mind about marriage and a baby, he might have a shot.