Page 15 of Hunted
“Surprisingly, I do.”
“You didn’t find the space too small?”
“It wasn’t much smaller than the last space I slept in.” Valerian’s eyes shifted over to me. I met his gaze, but only briefly. I couldn’t hold them for long, not because of what I knew aboutus, but because he looked to be wearing a robe… and possibly nothing else. I doubted if my grandmothers had male underwear in the house.
My cheeks flushed red. I tried to hide my face, but he directed a question at me.
“Areyoufeeling better, Princess?” he asked.
“As good as I can be,” I said. “You know, all things considered.”
He looked around the room, tugged at the cord of his robe, and seemed to wait until he was invited to sit by Evie. He had arrived at the opportune moment, because Pepper had finished cooking the ingredients of her full English breakfasts. As soon as Valerian took his seat, she was ready with a plate for him, for Evie, and for me.
“Eat up,” she said, “You must both still be hungry.”
My mouth was watering. Though I wanted to attack that plate with my bare hands, I used a knife and fork, practicing the manners I had been brought up with. Valerian had no such restrictions. He had grabbed a sausage with his fingers, and he was already halfway towards finishing it. Shaking my head slightly, I started slowly on my plate of food, taking small, disciplined bites, trying not to engage with Valerian at all.
Because again, that was the mature thing to do.
“Would you like that, Amara?” I hadn’t been paying attention to the conversation taking place around me over breakfast. When Pepper called my name, I turned my eyes up at her.
“Hmm?” I asked.
Pepper’s smile softened. “I said,would you like that?”
“Would I like to… what? I’m sorry, I was lost in thought.”
“That’s quite alright, dear. We were talking about how you and Valerian could both do with some fresh clothes. I suggested Evie could take you out into London and get you some.”
“Us? Go… out there?”
“Why not?”
My hand moved subconsciously up to my crown, where my antlers sat. “I guess there are a few reasons.”
“Oh, don’t worry about those. That’s nothing a quick glamor won’t fix. We can also glamor you some clothes to wear on your first trip, but our glamors aren’t permanent, which is why I thought maybe you would want to get some real clothes.”
I glanced at Valerian, then back at Pepper. “I’m not sure if Valerian wants to—”
“I’m naked.”
I swallowed. “Sorry?”
“I apologize. I only meant I could not find my clothes this morning. I found these instead, and I don’t think it’s ideal for me to be wearing them all the time.”
Evie chuckled.
Pepper also. “I should have told you… the leatherarmoryou were wearing was tattered and damaged. We took it in to repair it, but in any case, leather armor is highly inappropriate to be worn around London. If you are both going to be on Earth, you need to blend in.”
“Should we really be going out there?” I asked. “I mean, if you’re going to help us get back to Arcadia, shouldn’t we just sit tight?”
“The three of us discussed that this morning. Grandmother Helen thinks it could be at least a few days before she has a lead on what to do next. We can’t well have you both cooped up in here for days on end—you’ll go mad.”
“Besides,” Evie put in, “London is lovely, and I know all the best places to take you to. It’ll be fun!”
I glanced at Valerian again, then looked over at Evie. “I… guess I could do with a little fun, given the circumstances.”