Page 32 of Hunted
An awkward moment passed between us, where neither of us spoke. I glanced at him, then down at the floor, then over at his bed, then back at him. Wordless. Silent.
“Is there something you need?” he finally asked.
Thank the Gods.
I shook my head. “Right. Yes. I, uh, just wanted to check in on you. See how you were doing.”
“Me?” he frowned, angling his head to the side.
“Yes.” I took a tentative step into his bedroom and pushed the door closed behind me. “I noticed you didn’t speak much while we were debriefing my grandmothers. I thought you may have wanted to speak to me in private.”
“In private…” he said, trailing off.
“I don’t know. You’re quiet when they’re around.”
“I felt like everything that needed to be said had been said. When I had an opinion to add, I added it.”
“Right… except, the opinion you added toward the end there made me feel a little like… it may have been aimed at me.”
“It was.”
My cheeks reddened, hot blood flushing to them. “Oh. I see.”
“I didn’t mean offense.”
“No, it’s okay. I get it.”
Valerian sighed. “You expressed resentment toward the people who have tried to protect you throughout your life.”
“I did, and I do. Everyone treats me like a child, or some weird flower who can’t stand on her own two feet. I can turn into a wolf. I can fight. I don’tneedconstant protection.”
“I’m sorry if I didn’t express myself properly. I’ve been known to be… rough… at times.”
More blood flushed into my cheeks, only this time for a different reason. “R-rough?” I asked, my voice momentarily quaking. “What do you mean?”
“That you have people in your life who care for you and wish to look after you… that isn’t a bad thing. I have had to live my life alone for the most part, surviving by myself, depending only on myself. While this state of being is empowering at times, it is also… exhausting.”
“There are times when I wish I could count on others to do what is right by me, but I know that I cannot. Even if I trusted others to protect me, I know ultimately, I would be disappointed by them.”
“Do you really think that little of others?”
“Perhaps I think too fondly of myself.” He paused. “And if we are being honest with each other…” he ventured.
I nodded. “Please.”
“I count myself among those want to protect you.”
I swallowed. “You do…” I said, trailing off.
“I do. Ever since that day in the woods, I have been by your side, trying to get you through the next hurdle, over the next obstacle.”
“Yourself, too, though.”
“Our fates are entwined. What is good for you, is good for me.”