Page 25 of Reborn
Valerian interjected now, taking a deep breath and scanning the grove we were in. “Alright,” he said, “There are a few things we need to deal with; the first one is shelter.”
“We’re going back to the cottage, right?” I asked.
“No. We should go to Lysa. If people remember you, then they may remember me. I have friends there, other hunters. We’re going to need help taking on Malys, and I’d be more comfortable seeking out capable hunters than conscripting the general populace. Besides, one of them may have heard something about your brother.”
“One of your hunter friends might know where my brother went?”
“Alpha of the Moon Children striking out on his own? You can bet my friends heard about it; it’s possible one or two may even have a lead we can follow.”
“Why aren’t we going back to our house?” asked Gullie, “Out of curiosity.”
“Because we have to assume it’s compromised.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“I think Malys is five steps ahead of us. I think she knew you and Melina were hunkering down there and allowed you to do so, knowing Amara would come back and that you would find her before she came to the castle.”
“So, are you suggesting she knows the future?” asked Melina, folding her arms in front of her chest.
“Maybe it’s not exactly like that, but she has the power to manipulate Fate. That’s a lot harder than simply seeing where its strands are and what they’re linked to. Malys was on that bridge moments after we arrived. She was waiting for us.”
“If she knew where we were, and knew what would happen today, then she’ll know what we’re going to do tomorrow and all of this is pointless.”
“I think I know someone who’s going to help us with that.”
“Who?” I asked.
Valerian took my hand and helped me stand. He then tipped my chin to the side, and there, amidst the trees, I saw movement. Shapes coming toward us. My hackles rose and I stiffened, my muscles tightening. I realized, though, that they weren’t marching towards us like soldiers, but kind of meandering, moving between the trees like ghosts, never fully becoming visible or even making a sound.
My heart fell into my stomach.
“No,” I said, shaking my head. “Nofuckingway.”
The approaching figures stopped dead in their tracks. From within the trees, I heard a woman shout. “Language!”
In that moment, something happened to me that had never happened before. Dread, actual dread, danced hand in hand with relief. How such a thing was even possible I didn’t know and could never know. Because even before the figures emerged from beyond the trees, I knew who was there, and my heart both fell and soared simultaneously.
“Pepper is right, child,” said Grandmother Helen as she made herself visible. “I know these are trying times, but there really is no need for such vulgarity.”
“No,” I snapped, raising my voice higher than I had intended for it to go. “Absolutely not. Why are you here? Youcan’tbe here!”
“I think that ship has sailed, dear,” said Grandmother Helen.
I waved my hand and aimed it at a clear space near me, focusing my energy into my fingertips and summoning my Fae magic. “I’m opening a portal back to Earth and sending you home. You can’t be here!”
My grandmother’s hand whipped in response to my movements, and I found my own arm lashing back against my chest, as if it had been pulled back against my will. “Please, child, don’t do that. We aren’t going back.”
“But this isn’t a safe place for you! You’rehuman!”
Grandmother Helen smiled softly. “I know you’re worried, but I can assure you, we’re quite alright. We got this far, didn’t we?”
“Because we had an excellent guide,” said Grandmother Evie, who was holding Tallin in her arms.
My heart sank further. He was no longer immortal, having given up part of his essence to get me here in the first place. I couldn’t bear to see him here, but I also wanted so badly to hug them all. I was shaking, barely able to control myself. I wasn’t sure what to do, what to say, or even where to look.
It was Valerian, placing his hand on my shoulder, that helped to ground me.