Page 5 of Once You're Mine
The man fixes me with a look that has my spine straightening. “You’re aware of my policy,” he says. “Payment upfront. Non-negotiable.”
His sharp tone cuts me like flint, sparking my anger. I narrow my gaze. “How do I know for sure you’re actually searching for clues? Maybe you’re just taking my money and doing absolutely nothing.”
He gets to his feet. “Should you change your mind or obtain the necessary funds, you have my information. Goodbye, Miss Green.”
I stare up at him, torn between begging for his help and letting him walk away. In the end, I bite my lip and stay seated. I simply don’t have the money, and no amount of crying will change that. However, the idea of not making progress on my father’s murder has a sour feeling growing in my stomach.
Whoever killed my father took everything from me. Not just a loving parent, but my security, financial and physical. As well as my future.
Harper plops herself in the vacant chair across from me, her gaze clouded with worry. “That was definitely business, and not pleasure,” she says. “Are you okay?”
“Honestly? I don’t know.”
“Do you want a cake pop? Those always seem to cheer you up.”
I shake my head.
“Damn,” she says, sucking in a breath. “Whatever you talked about must’ve been serious if you don’t want a cake pop. Did that asshole threaten you or something?”
I shake my head again. “He didn’t have the information I wanted, and I don't have enough money to continue hiring him.”
“A private investigator. Figures. He’s so cliché with the long trench coat and whatever.” Her nose wrinkles in disgust. “As if that’ll help him be a better detective.”
I give her a sad smile. “It’s the middle of winter and freezing outside. Most of the guys that come in here are wearing them.”
“You won’t change my mind. He’s a loser.” She reaches across the table and grabs my hand. “Forget him.”
“I’ll have to for now.”
If only I could ignore my guilt as well.
I hate surprises.
They catch you off guard, force you to change your plans, and leave space for error. Not to mention the chaos that can follow. In my line of work, both personally and professionally, I can’t afford that, which is why I research things extensively.
Senator Green is a prime example of this.
By the time I was ready to end his life, I knew everything about him, down to the names of his staff members. And of course, his daughter.
Miss Green has taken her father’s place as the sole focal point in my mind.
I can’t stop thinking about her, recalling and dissecting her behavior in order to understand it. Unfortunately, even while knowing a lot about her, I’m no closer to comprehending why she’s different.
Or the reason her tears affected me.
I want to be rid of the problem, the confusion and lack of control she creates in my life. Except I won’t kill her because it goes against my code of ethics. However, invading her privacy doesn’t.
In the last month, I’ve uncovered everything there is to know about her. And during that time, it’s as though Calista Green has ceased to exist. She terminated all of her social media accounts, withdrew her enrollment in college, and her former residence is now owned by the bank. Without her having a cellphone, her digital footprint has shrunk and continues to disappear.
The scandal surrounding her father’s trial, followed by his murder, will always keep her in the public eye. But not if she’s untraceable. Fortunately, I prepared for this.
I can’t let anything happen to Miss Green before I’ve had a chance to solve the mystery of her.
For this reason, I had a hand in getting her a job at the Sugar Cube. It’s within walking distance of her apartment, which is convenient for her. But more importantly, it’s close to my office building. That allows me to follow her to work every morning and to her home at night. Fortunately for me, Miss Green always commutes to work when it’s dark.