Page 77 of Once You're Mine
It takes several blinks to get my eyes to make sense of my surroundings, and the second my brain makes the connection that I’m in Hayden’s bed, everything from the night before bombards me. My mind spins, and I remain still, unable to sit up just yet.
He found out my dark secret.
He destroyed his office.
He held me all night.
I sweep the room with my gaze, already knowing he’s not here because I can’t feel his energy nearby. It’s a living entity, a force field that surrounds me. And now protects me.
After gathering my bearings, I slide from the bed, my gaze landing on the neatly folded clothing sitting on the nightstand. Alongside it is a hand-written note from Hayden.
I wish I could’ve been here to see how you look with the morning sun kissing your face, but I had a court case that I can’t ignore. These clothes are the first sample of your new wardrobe. If they are satisfactory, then I’ll continue filling the closet. If not, then I’ll see to the changes this evening. As for today, I want you to stay home and rest. I already notified your boss at the Sugar Cube that you’re taking the day off. Lastly, text me once you finish reading this. ~Hayden
I frown at the note as irritation surfaces, my cheeks burning. Although I don’t mind him taking the initiative to provide clothing for me—considering my only other options are his t-shirt or my dress from last night—I wish he wasn’t insistent on buying me an entire wardrobe. A hard lesson I learned from my father’s death is that you can’t depend on a man to provide everything in your life. Because if they’re suddenly gone, you’re screwed.
The thought of never seeing Hayden again softens my agitation, and I turn to examine the clothes he picked out, in need of a distraction. It consists of a black pencil skirt and a plum-colored silk blouse, along with a charcoal gray wool coat to shield me from the cold. Each item is stylish and made from luxurious material that’ll be heaven against my skin. Then there’s the delicate ruffles and strategically placed pleats that add a feminine touch. And if they weren’t enough, the black knee-high suede boots do the trick.
After holding the different articles of clothing against my frame, I’m certain they’ll fit. As annoyed as I was initially, I have to admit that Hayden has excellent taste. This outfit reminds me of my past life where I had a walk-in closet full of clothes similar to this in price and quality. I also had a fiancé who never came close to making me feel the things Hayden does.
Maybe not all change is bad.
I reach for my purse and retrieve my cell phone, amazed that the battery hasn’t died. I suppose it wouldn’t since Hayden is the only person—besides Harper—to contact me yesterday, and he stopped as soon as he walked into the club.
Calista: Good morning. Thank you for the clothes. They’re really nice.
Hayden: Good morning, Callie. You’re welcome. Did you sleep well?
His response is immediate. It’s so fast I wonder if he had his phone out and was waiting for my text. I smile to myself, enjoying this attentive and caring side of him.
Calista: Yes, and you?
Hayden: It was the best sleep of my life.
Calista: I’m glad. ??
I bite my lip, unsure of what to say next. Should I tell him that there’s no way I’m going to sit in his penthouse all day and do nothing? There are several unread text messages from Harper that I need to address, and I’d prefer to do it in person. Maybe she can help me make sense of the crazy going on in my life right now. If not, at least she’ll give me a chance to get it off my chest.
Hayden: Get some rest today.
Calista: Lol. I just woke up. I’m definitely not sleepy.
Hayden: Even so, don’t leave the house. I’ll see you tonight.
My frown returns full force, and I glare at the phone. If Hayden plans on hiring a private bodyguard then I don’t see why I can’t visit Harper. If he has a problem with it, then I might need to add that to our pending agreement. I know it’s very likely that I’ll give into his demands, but I want to hold onto my delusions for a bit longer.
At least for the next sixty-three hours.
Maybe what really upsets me isn’t Hayden’s high-handedness, but my desire to fall into old habits and let him take care of me. It’d be so nice to rely on someone else and stop struggling alone, but it’s too risky. I’ll take the money, gifts, and protection Hayden offers while remembering it’s most likely temporary.
My phone chimes, and I look down.
Hayden: Is there a problem with my last message?
Calista: Nope. I’ll see you tonight.
I swipe my finger over the screen and proceed to scan Harper’s texts. Each one is more outrageous than the last, and by the time I’m finished I’m more than determined to go see her at work.
Harper: Did you survive the night? Is your hooha wrecked? Pretty sure whatever the lawyer did to you falls under ‘cruel and unusual punishment.’ I’m super jealous.