Page 24 of Now You're Mine
I run my gaze over her, taking in the light sprinkle of bruises that are already beginning to bloom on her skin. They’re not only from my hands, but my teeth and mouth, and anything else I could touch her with. Brand her with. The marks covering her breasts, hips, neck, and shoulders will remind her tomorrow what transpired between us tonight.
What we shared wasn’t only passion. It was something deeper. She met my fire with her own, matching me in ferocity while maintaining her sweet disposition. By offering her body, she soothed the demons inside of me, replacing them with a peace I never thought was possible. Even now, I’m calm, despite her injury staring me in the face. Though whenever I look at the gauze covering her wound, my stomach clenches.
I brush back a stray lock of hair that’s plastered to her damp cheek. Calista’s tears have yet to dry. Did she cry from pain or pleasure? Maybe both.
I nearly laugh at the disgruntled sound. My smile is bright in the darkness. “Are you all right?”
“Define ‘all right.’”
With a firm but gentle hand, I shift Calista onto her back so I can see her face. “Did I hurt you?”
She gives me an exasperated look that amuses me more than anything. “Define ‘hurt.’” When I narrow my gaze in warning, she blows out a breath. “Yes, you hurt me.”
“I figured as much.” I trail my fingers over the red starbursts on her breasts. “I want to say I’m sorry, but it’d be a lie. I enjoy seeing you this way, with the evidence of me fucking you all over your skin.”
My cock stirs in response to looking at her. As it always does. I bring my gaze back to her face, trying to focus on something other than taking her again.
“I’m talking about you hurting my feelings, Hayden, not my body. I’m not sore because the pain medication is still in my system.”
“I see.”
“Do you really? I doubt it. Not that I’d ever lie to you, but if I did, there’s no way you’d be okay with it.”
I dip my head in agreement. “The severity of my actions would depend on what you hid from me.”
“And if I invaded your privacy by stalking you?”
“I’d be flattered.”
She glares at me. “Be serious.”
“I am. You’re all I’ve ever wanted, so I’d enjoy having you pursue me that way. It shows enthusiasm, dedication, and focus.”
“You’re insane,” she mutters.
“I am crazy about you, Callie. I never said otherwise.”
“What am I going to do with you?” Her voice is just below a whisper, a tiny breath skimming my mouth.
“Stay with me. Love me.”
She blinks up at me, the surprise in her eyes sure to be found in mine. Just because I told her the truth doesn’t mean I had any intention of revealing it. At least not right now, when she’s still uncertain about me in general.
I want her to love me for selfish reasons that she wouldn’t understand.
“What did you say?” she asks.
“You heard me.”
“Well, I want to hear it again.” When I give her a pointed look, she reaches up to clasp my face between her hands. “Please.”
I growl low in my throat. “You know how I feel about you begging me.”
“Why do you think I’m doing it?”