Page 60 of Now You're Mine
“First off, you have to tell Mr. Bennett this was your idea and that I had nothing to do with it. Also, add in that I tried to talk you out of it.”
Sebastian’s potent unease when it comes to Hayden still amuses me, but I keep my face blank, not wanting to embarrass him. “I promise. What’s the second thing?”
“I don’t want you to cry anymore.” The giant man blows out a breath and rubs the back of his neck. “I’ve never been good at handling a woman’s tears. It’s hard for me to see you upset.”
My heart melts. “I’ll do my best.”
“Thank you.”
He turns back around and shifts the car into drive before pulling out onto the street. I remove the letter opener from my pocket and run my fingernail over the engraving on the blade. This was a gift from my father to Robert, thanking him for his hard work during the first campaign. I wonder if he kept it because it’s a useful tool, or if Robert still has it because it reminds him of my father and the friendship they shared.
I fiddle with the item until the vehicle comes to a stop. After putting it in my coat pocket, I open the car door and step outside. Sebastian is there with a frown of disapproval on his face.
“How many times do I have to tell you that I’ll get the door for you?”
“I might’ve grown up as a senator’s daughter, but I’m perfectly capable of opening a car door.”
Sebastian scans the area—like he’s been doing since we parked—his gaze briefly settling on mine. “It’s a sign of respect, Miss Calista.”
I reach out and pat his arm. “I appreciate that.”
His frown deepens, and the skin of his neck flushes with color. After clearing his throat, he says, “Let’s get you inside. Every second you’re not indoors makes you susceptible to danger.”
He motions for me to walk, and I take off at a rapid pace, not wanting to linger. It’s not as though I’ve forgotten my situation, but sometimes I block it from my mind in favor of a peaceful existence. One that’s recently been decimated by my father’s past dealings.
Once inside, I walk up to Josephine. The moment she sees me, the woman sits up in her chair and adjusts her glasses. “Good morning, Mrs. Bennett. Are you here to see your husband today?”
I paste a smile on my face, pointedly ignoring the chuckle coming from Sebastian. At least the man has the decency to smother his laughter with a cough. Looking at the secretary, I nod.
“Is Hayden available?”
“Even if he wasn’t, he gave me strict instructions to interrupt him, no matter what he’s doing.” She winks at me. “My boss doesn’t have any restrictions when it comes to you.”
You have no idea.“Thank you.”
“Would you like me to escort you?” The hopeful gleam in her eyes has me shaking my head. “Very well,” she says. “Enjoy the rest of your day, Mrs. Bennett.”
After giving her a small wave, I spin on my heel and head toward Hayden’s office. Sebastian is by my side in an instant, his long stride easily overtaking my small one.
“So, Mrs. Bennett…”
I glare up at him, but it lacks heat. “Don’t start with me.”
At the sound of Hayden’s voice, both Sebastian and I jerk our heads in his direction. The attorney stands just outside his office, looking so gorgeous that any annoyance I had toward Sebastian fades.
Hayden holds out a hand, and my steps quicken. “What are you doing here? Is everything all right?” He snaps his gaze to Sebastian, the inquiry directed at him.
“She wanted to see you, sir. I couldn’t talk her out of it, no matter how much I argued with her.”
Hayden’s gaze softens the instant it lands on me. I refrain from throwing myself into his embrace. Instead, I take his offered hand, taking comfort in the strength of his grip.
With his free hand, Hayden clasps the side of my neck, gently pulling me in for a kiss. It’s quick but passionate, causing me to stare up at him in a daze, my lips tingling.
“Sebastian’s right,” I say, my voice breathless. “I wouldn’t listen to him.”
Hayden’s gaze darts to the other man. “Wait outside.”