Page 45 of City of Gods
I was where I was meant to be and that was what I chose to focus on. I stroked his deep waves, running my fingertips along his smooth sideburns and back again. I let my nails click against the modest diamond in his ear.
I took time to study the smooth lines of his face. The angle of his jawline and the broad stroke of his nose. The curve of his bottom lip and the shallow dip at the cupid’s bow on his top lip. I raked my nails through his soft, dark facial hair and then traveled back to the top of his head.
Honestly, I was just glad that he was able to sit his burdens down if only for an hour or two.
Seeing Rob get gunned down in such a cruel and cold way was jarring even for me. I knew for a fact that Junior and Daniel had nothing to do with the hit once I saw Daniel pull his gun and fire at the truck that shot Rob.
It took everything in me not to also pull my weapon, but I had a cover to maintain. I was shocked to see Bakari shooting at the tires with such amazing accuracy and with zero hesitation. It made me like him even more. He might have had a hang-up with murder but when it came to protecting the people he loved, he did what he had to do.
Bakari shifted a little in his sleep, then sat up and moved into the bathroom without a word. I used the time to check my phone since it had been blowing up like crazy. I had a ton of missed calls from my siblings and several from my father.
“Hey,” Bakari said from the bathroom doorway. He slid a hand down his tired face and tracked my movements with those bedroom eyes of his.
“Hey. Were you able to get a little rest?” I asked him. I walked over to him and fisted my hands to stop myself from touching him the way I wanted to. The way I felt compelled to.
“A little. I kept dreaming about Rob, though. Shit doesn’t even feel real.” He sniffed and shook his head before walking to the bed. He reached for his phone and sighed heavily.
“If your phone looks anything like mine, you have a shit load of notifications.” I showed him mine and he nodded, showing me his phone. His brothers had been calling and texting non-stop. I was surprised neither of them showed up at his door.
“I know we have a lot to deal with right now, but I can’t stop thinking about Rob. He’s fucking gone. Just like that.” He snapped his fingers and let his shoulders drop.
“I know…it’s not fair.” I rubbed his back in a slow circle.
“It’s not.” He sniffed again but no tears fell. He glanced at me and said, “You know, before all of this…I had such strict views on murder and morality. I thought I knew everything. Had it all figured out. I saved lives because they were worth saving. Now?” He shook his head. “Now, I want whoever killed Rob in the fucking ground. I don’t care what kind of life they had. I don’t give a fuck about their family. I just want…”
“Revenge,” I said simply.
“Exactly. I need you to know that I don’t give a fuck if it’s your mother or your entire family involved with this shit, Sanai. When I figure out what’s going on, I’m taking motherfuckers’ heads off. If you need to realign yourself with your family, now is the time to do it. No hard feelings. I know I’m always going to ride for my family when it comes down to it.” He stared at me. Actually, he staredintome. He broke apart any shaky logic I might have been holding on to.
I swallowed trying to ease the knot lodged in my throat. I knew I’d have to decide where my loyalty lied but for some reason, I didn’t think it would be so soon. Maybe I just didn’t want it to be. “I need to talk to my siblings,” I said. My words were hushed.
“I understand. I need to talk to mine as well.” On cue, both of our phones rang simultaneously. I looked at mine and saw Eli’s name flash across the screen and a glance at Bakari’s showing Maasai’s name. We both answered.
“Hey, what’s going on?” I asked, tucking my hand under my arm as I paced in Bakari’s bedroom.
“Your boyfriend’s day-one got hit. I know you’re with him. We need to talk about this shit and what we found at Mother’s office now. Father isn’t going to wait any longer.”
“Okay, okay. Just…give me a minute.” I pinched the bridge of my nose and blew out a long stream of frustrated air. “Why can’t we all just meet here?” I lifted my head and looked over at Bakari, who was talking to Maasai but staring at me. My chest fluttered a bit at the intensity in his deep brown eyes.
“Meet…where? At Breeze’s house?” Eli laughed a little, his deep voice holding hints of irritation.
“Yes. Here. His brothers have information that we need to know, and we have information they need to know.” I rested my hand on my hip, waiting for my brother’s response. All I got in return was a lot of sighing and grumbling.
“I’m with it,” Bakari said. I hated how weighed down he sounded but I’d sound the same fucking way if I watched someone I loved get shot in the head right beside me. “Yo, Sai, Sanai wants us all to meet here and discuss.” The light scowl on his face deepened into a harsh one creating a line between his brows. “I don’t give a fuck about none of that shit. She’s choosing her side now. Either we rocking with her or we waste time trying to figure out shit on our own.”
A thrill zipped through my spine at how he spoke to his older brother with so much authority. I liked the rougher side of Bakari. Now wasn’t the time to act on it but I made a mental note and tucked it away for later.
“Look, I’ll call Father and talk to him about it. You don’t have to be the deciding factor, Eli.”
“I know that but why the fuck do you want to meet over there? They could try to kill us. Especially if they know Mother is probably the one orchestrating this Temple takeover shit.”
“He knows. I already mentioned it. He hasn’t tried to kill me yet. Also, don’t you think the fucking Sinclairs of all families can handle themselves in a room with the Godwins?”
“Watch your fucking mouth, Sanai,” Bakari growled as he ended the call with Maasai. My eyebrow jerked up and I rolled my eyes dismissively. “You know goddamn well who runs Bellmore and it’s not the fucking Sinclairs.”
“See, and you want us to meet at this nigga’s house? Sanai…come on man. You really let him fuck? Because I can’t think of another reason why you’re at his house and telling me I should be there, too.”
“Mind your business, Eli. I can fuck whoever I want to. I could sit on Bakari’s face day and night and you wouldn’t be able to say shit to me.” I caught the way Bakari looked at me from my peripheral. It was a mixture of impressed and shocked.