Page 5 of City of Gods
“You’re such a piece of shit, Bakari. Revoke me so I can fucking leave and your entire operation can crumble.”
“That’s not going to happen and you know it.” He swiped my card and my face along with all my info popped up on the computer screen. I watched as he maneuvered to my membership information where a green check mark sat beside my picture indicating I was paid in full and a current member.
If I was being honest, I hated the idea that I would no longer be a member of the Temple. It was the only place that catered to people like me. Bad guys. Killers. Being a member of the Temple meant I had somewhere safe where I could receive top-of-the-line treatment without worrying about blowing my cover or the police showing up to question me. The Temple was important to Bellmore. Hell, my entire family had memberships here.
As much as I hated Bakari’s arrogant ass, he was the best at what he did. His brothers, Hakim and Maasai, were top-tier, too. Hell, even Rob and the other nurses who worked there were phenomenal. I’d argue that the Temple was better than Bellmore General Hospital.
Bakari’s finger hesitated over the enter button which would have selected the option to terminate my membership, barring me from ever reapplying. He flicked a glance up at me and sighed heavily. “You see what the fuck your stupid ass did, right? All because you couldn’t hit your mark. Now, you’re about to be the only Sinclair banned from the Temple.”
“Shut the fuck up and do it, Bakari. I know you can’t wait until I’m not allowed on the premises anymore.” Heat burned beneath my skin when he finally hit enter and a red X appeared next to my picture. He shook his head and leaned over, shoving my ID through a small shredder and turning the card into plastic strips that fell uselessly into the trashcan underneath.
“Come on so I can remove your tattoo.” He stood to his feet and I looked up at him.
“Do we have to do that shit right now? I’m tired and I hate being under the same roof with a motherfucker I didn’t get a chance to kill.”
“I’m sorry, princess, we don’t make appointments for convenience. Bring your ass on.” He stood at the door, holding it open for me to walk through.
He led me down connecting hallways until we came to a room with a tattoo chair in the middle of the floor and a few stainless-steel tables with sealed tools lying on top. Bakari sighed heavily and pulled on a pair of blue gloves before grabbing a stool and pulling it up to one of the tables. He motioned to the chair and I sat down with a huff.
“You already know—if you read your info packet when you first signed up—that we remove the cross tattoo fully without lasers. Your skin will be removed and then closed up with sutures, creating a small scar.” He spat out words mechanically while he opened fresh tools, prepping them and laying them out. I wasn’t squeamish at all but knowing he was about to cut a square of skin off my body made me uneasy.
“Will you use something to numb me?” I asked, looking from the tools on the table to Bakari.
“Why? You scared, Sinclair?”
“No.” I tucked my chin and focused on the hem of my dress hanging over the side of the padded chair. “It was just a question.”
“I’ll numb you,” he answered with a chuckle. “Although, hearing you scream might be fun. Or do you whine when you’re in pain?” He was looking at me with that…something in his eyes again.
“Let’s find out whatyoudo whenyou’rein pain. Let me hit you in your fucking jaw again.”
“You got a lucky shot.” He grimaced. Thick, dark eyebrows fell low on his forehead.
“Sure, I did. Tell yourself whatever you need to. The fact remains, you got hit by a girl.”
“I got hit by a psychotic Sinclair. Y'all aren’t normal.”
“I’m glad you know that.” I smiled to myself, wiggling my bare toes.
“Where’s your tattoo? I didn’t give it to you, so I don’t know off the top of my head,” he said, opening a tube of something.
“Um…” I swallowed, losing some of my bite. “Inner-thigh.” We locked eyes and he gave me a cocky smirk that I wanted to wipe off his fine ass face.
“So you had to flash Dice to get in here? And what happens when you have on pants?”
“What happens when you shut the fuck up, Bakari?”
“You’re the only person besides my brothers that call me by my name.”
“Because I’m not calling you Dr. Breeze. That shit sounds stupid. Now, can you take the tattoo off so we can be done?”
“And that’s why you’re so annoying.” He gritted the words out from between his teeth. I watched him stick a small syringe into the skin around my tattoo to numb it. His face came too close to my thigh for comfort. His warm breath tickled before he pulled away and I hated the way it made my body react. I draped my arm across my chest again, shielding my hard nipples from his view even though he wasn’t looking.
“We got a problem, Breeze,” a disembodied voice came from Bakari’s watch, making him sit up straighter.
“What’s up?” he asked, lifting the watch to his mouth.
“Junior’s men are demanding to be let in. I’m here handling it, but I thought you and Sai should know.”