Page 10 of Curse of Thorns
“You can feel my energy? Does that mean you are a…”
“Yes, I am a compilation of many elements that make up our covens. However, one of my specialties is being an Aura Witch, which means that I have the ability to read and see the auras of others. My father was a Warlock and my mother was a Witch. Both had very powerful magic. Your aura right now is a charcoal gray. You are nervous, scared, and a bit angry.” Her head tilts to the side, as though she is examining me. “What makes you so conflicted?” she questions.
At first, I’m not sure if I should even answer the question. However, after another minute of being stared at, I realize I need to say something. “Well, I guess being here at Shadow Legacy Academy is a little overwhelming. This is my first real experience with magic or other Supernaturals. My mom kept magic secluded from me most of the time.”
Headmaster Patricia nods, but her lips purse. “I see. Well, that can be a little tricky. Anything bothering you?” From the way she asks, I have a strong suspicion that she already knows. That doesn’t sit well with me.
“I guess I am bothered that I don’t know who or what I am. I mean, everyone else around here seems to already know their powers. Shifters, Fae, Witches– I know that I am a descendant from Witches, but nothing has shown me what I possess,” I say, heat flushing my cheeks.
It’s so embarrassing saying my fears out loud. I feel so weak and useless.
“Well, I think that you need to search deeper within yourself. We all have powers, you just need to tap into yours, but something tells me that you already have.”
This time, it was my turn to look at her inquisitively.
“What do you mean? I can’t cast any spells or do anything even close to magic,” I sighed.
Winking, Headmaster Patricia gave me a sly grin. “I think you can and are doing more than you know. At times, Witches use their magic in ways that doesn’t feel like it’s really magic.”
Her twisted words were only confusing me more. I wish she would just come right out and say exactly what she was thinking.
Chuckling, she held her hands together. “I see you are now agitated.”
“Yes. I don’t mean any disrespect, but I don’t understand anything that is happening.”
“It will all become very clear in due time. Here, let me give you this,” she said, snapping her fingers.
A book that was housed on the shelves to the right of us lifted into the air, floating as it made its way over to us. The book landed gently in front of the Headmaster and opened on its own accord. She began reading and then lifted her eyes to meet mine. I was in awe of how easily she had made the book come to her.
“I want you to look at this page very closely. The lineage of Witches details each of our powers. You may find something useful here,” she said, sliding the book across her desk.
I took the leather-bound book and began reviewing the worn, yellow pages. As I began to read, my eyes grew as wide as saucers.
In the Supernatural world, many lineages can be combined to create more powerful and unique types of beings.
Elemental Witches are the most common type of Witches known. Centuries of stories and texts depict these powerful beings as having the ability to call on natural elements such as: Earth, Wind, Emotions, and Water. Other creatures like Wizards contain many of these powers, but their abilities typically remain in creating and using magic and spells.
Supernatural creatures that have grown more powerful over the years are shifters. The evolution of shifters has been an amazing experience and we are still learning their roles as they take on other supernaturals, too. Wolf, Dragon, and Bird shifters are the most common. Some of the lesser powerful shifters are domesticated cats and other pets. These are perceived as lower in the Supernatural world.
I stopped reading for a moment and almost laughed at that. Kindle was a cat shifter. Maybe that explained why she was so cruel; she knew she was lesser than most other students here. As I continued reading, I could feel the weight of the Headmaster's gaze locked on me. Still, I was intrigued by the reading and had to delve further into the text.
More powerful creatures that are still evolving and emerging into our society include Shadowsingers, which are descendants of Elemental Witches and are able to sense and experience things of humans and other creatures. They are best seenat night when they thrive inthe darkness of the night. In folklore, they like to remain shielded in the shadows and not seen by others. They have the ability to strike people blind or in some cases– cause death.
Pixies and Fae can either be an ally or foes of Witches and other Supernatural creatures. These creatures are beautiful and always small and petite as they like to spend most of their time near wooded areas. Pixies and Fae have magical powers associated with Demons and Fallen Angels. In many stories, they are capable of bewitchment and Possession, making their beauty also a deceiving quality that can cause harm to others. They are shape shifters who can assume whatever form they wish, especially to deceive or manipulate people. However, many of the shapes they take on are not animals, but humans.
Finally, one of the most exciting creatures is the Seer. Seers are descendants from two powerful species. Seers are a rare type of faerie or Witch that is able topredict the future through visions. Similar to Shadowsingers, they are able to sense and experience things that others can feel, too. Many Seers note that their visions come through in dreams or in moments when their bodies grow paralyzed by the vision. Many Seers use their visions to help those around them in danger. Seers can, at times, predict visions before they happen. This skill can be utilized in many instances. However, some Seers can use their visions for harm.
Glancing up, I locked eyes with Headmaster Patricia. Her knowing eyes were softer now, almost kind with understanding.
“Do you understand now?” she asked me.
My head filled with all of the words I had just read. Was I part Seer? The visions– nightmares that had begun plaguing me could that be a sign that I was a Seer? If so, that meant my mom was a Witch and my father’s side was part Fae? It was almost too much to handle.
“Am I a Seer?” I asked aloud.
Headmaster Patricia smiled. “We won’t know for sure until the Unveiling Ceremony at the end of the week. However, if you feel that you have experienced– moments that sound like visions– then possibly that is your power,” she explained.
I hated how elusive she was being, but I understood that we couldn’t know for sure until the ceremony. For now, I would lock this information into my mind and hope that maybe, just maybe, I would finally understand who I truly was.