Page 13 of Curse of Thorns
“Do you think Lily is inside there?” I ask.
Candi only shakes her head, yes.
“I need to tell you something,” I start. I want to share with Candi that I have felt a pull toward the forest; but before I can tell her this, a loud motion startles us both.
Jumping over the stone wall of the courtyard, Ason rushes toward us with intense speeds. His clothes are torn and his hair is in disarray. While I’ve never seen a wolf shift, I can only assume that’s what he had done.
“What do you think you are doing?” Ason roars out.
His chest is heaving as his eyes glow a fiery red that disturbs me.
Candi jumps from her seat, clearly agitated by Ason’s dramatics.
“Go away,” Candi screams, but Ason is clearly not affected by her outburst.
“Why are you talking to her?” Ason shouts, almost as though I’m not even here. How dare he!
Anger boils deep inside of me and I realize I’ve had enough of his attitude. Ever since I met Ason, he has been nothing but rude to me. I stand, doing my best to pretend as though I am calm, cool, and collected.
“We are having a conversation. You need to leave,” I instruct.
Not bothering to even look at me, Ason puffs his chest out. “Candi, you know that you can’t be talking about things new students have no business hearing outside of the classroom,” he states, his fangs showing.
“You can’t tell me what to do, so just go away,” Candi yells again.
Ason seems to calm for a moment as he rubs the bridge of his nose.
“Look, Candi. I get that you are upset, but we have to accept that the police and our professors are handling this case, so it's best if we stay out of it,” ” he spat out.
“You can’t be serious,” I yelled. Even though I was still new here, I at least knew enough that nothing was being done. Hushed voices talked about the missing student, but everyone else seemed to want to pretend like it never happened.
“The human police can’t help us here, even I know that!” Candi cries out.
My hand falls to hers and I squeeze, letting her know that I am here for her– as a friend.
"We need to remember that we are here to learn, not to solve mysteries. Candi, you know as a second semester student that getting involved in things will only cause trouble," he says, his expression softer now that he has calmed down.
“Of course, you would say that. I wouldn’t expect you to care about anyone else other than yourself,” I cried out. “You just ran out here and interrupted our private conversation to insult me and hurt Candi.”
Stepping closer to me, I could feel his warm breath caressing my cheek. “First, you have no idea what you are talking about. Secondly, your private little conversation took place in a public setting. I am a shifter and was out running when I heard you talking. Don’t act like I’m wrong to tell you all to stop talking about something that is forbidden,” he said, his jaw tight and his fists jammed to his sides.
"We can't pretend like this isn't happening, but we can hold on to hope,” Candi intervened, breaking the tension. I was glad for her support.
Ason seemed to be startled by her words. His eyes danced over to Candi before returning back to me. “Look, I will leave you all alone, but please, just let it go. Let those that are trained to help, do their jobs,” he pleaded.
For some strange reason, I almost felt sympathy for Ason. Sure, he was a jerk and liked to butt into conversations, but something deep inside of me told me that he was trying to be helpful. He clearly didn’t know how to express himself.
Nodding, Candi offered a slight smile. “Ok, we won't talk about it anymore here,” she told him.
Before I could open my mouth to say anything else, Ason turned on his heel and sprinted toward the doors Candi and I had come through earlier. I had no idea what had happened, but it was insane and had me wanting to know more about the forest.
“What’s his problem?” I asked Candi, who had been silent during his departure.
“Really? You don’t see it?” she asked, smirking.
“See what?” I asked, aghast.
“He is so into you,” she giggled.