Page 20 of Curse of Thorns
A knock on the door had both Candi and me turning. Alice and Kindle stood at the threshold.
“We are done going through our rack. Can we look at yours?” Alice asked, peeking into the room.
When they spotted me in the red dress, they both smiled– yes, even Kindle.
“That dress was made for you,” Alice cheered.
Ok, I needed to change. This was way too much attention.
“Hey, the designer is here, are you all finished with…”
Ason appears at the door, but stops at the threshold and stares at me.
His face is flushed with redness and his fists are clenched at his sides.
“What do you want?” Candi asks, standing next to me.
Clearing his throat, Ason takes a step back into the hallway. He is clearly uncomfortable and for some strange reason, I worry that my presence, or the sight of me in this dress, upsets him.
“The designer is finished dressing the boys. She wants to know if you are done selecting your dresses,” he rushes out.
Alice looks between me and Ason, as Ason’s eyes are still glued to me. “Farrah, are you done? Is that the dress you want to wear?” she asked me.
I’m torn because I don’t really know. The idea of wearing a fancy gown makes me uncomfortable, but it’s apparently a requirement.
“I guess so. Do you all think this one will be ok?” I ask, allowing my hands to glide down the smooth fabric.
“Of course, that dress was made for you!” Alice exclaims.
“Yes, I think we are ready for you to take the rack back,” Candi tells Ason.
For a moment, he doesn’t budge, but when Candi shoves the rack his way, he startles and catches it before it hits him square in the face.
Taking the rack, Ason rushes down the hallway leaving all of us stunned and unsure of what has happened.
I scurry to the bathroom to change out of the dress and back into my uniform. When I return to the room, the dress is hung by magic on my closet door.
The girls are all giggling and I feel as though I missed out on some type of joke.
“What’s going on?” I ask, raising my brows.
“You are just so clueless. It’s cute,” Candi states.
Frowning, I almost feel insulted. “Um, did I miss something?”
Alice moves toward me while Kindle leans against the wall.
“Ason clearly likes you. I mean, Ason doesn’t like anyone– not even other wolf shifters,” Alice explains.
“As much as I hate to admit it, I kind of agree with Alice,” Kindle interjects. “Ason is odd and always up to something, but…” her words trail off as Alice gives her a glare.
They exchange glances and it appears as though a silent conversation is taking place between them.
“Don’t start rumors,” Candi snaps. She turns to face me and I can tell that she is unsure of what she is about to say. “Look, Ason isn’t that bad. He tends to stick to himself, so don’t feel bad if he’s a jerk to you,” she half laughs. “Some people think that Ason is strange because he is so anti-social, but he’s alright. Anyway,” she says, waving her hands in front of her, “I totally think he is into you. He was looking at you like you were his next meal, and I don’t mean that in a bad way,” she giggles.
Scoffing, I drop my head. “You all have no idea what you are talking about. Besides, Ason may stare at me, but when we do talk, it usually ends in an argument. I don’t like that he never wants to tell me what he means. He has secrets and I don’t like it.”
“Sadly, we all have secrets,” Kindle mumbles.