Page 39 of Curse of Thorns
Wild roars and calls build in and out of the forest.
“I’m ok. We can’t stop,” I say, my voice hoarse and trembling.
“Maybe we should wait, let you rest a second,” Ason argues, trying to hold me still.
Shaking my head, water splashes from my locks. “No. We don’t have time. Help me up and let's keep moving,” I say, wincing as I go to stand on the leg that the beast had held me. Far off, I spot a large alligator swimming through the water. That must have been the one that had attacked me. I guess the light from my wand really helped.
Glancing down, I smile at the wand as it still glows brightly by my side. Soaked, exhausted, and in pain, I allow Ason to help me as we walk toward the cave.
As we near the cave, more sounds begin to stir, and as my eyes struggle to make out what I am seeing, I almost yell out and give us away.
“Ason, look,” I cry, pointing to the cave.
Standing outside of the cave, I spot five teenagers. Their eyes are glazed and foggy and they stand still, as though they are statues frozen in place. A green light glows all around them like a barrier.
“That’s Lily and Lara,” Ason whispers, looking ahead.
Excitement builds inside of me at the prospect of knowing that we found the missing students alive.
“What’s wrong with them?” I ask.
“They must be spelled. We need to get them out of here,” Ason says through clenched teeth. “First, we need the potion,” he adds.
We trek through the water; and once we get to the students, I realize just how creepy this is. None of them seem to notice us. It’s like Ason and I are ghosts and can’t be seen.
“Children, I hear your movements and feel your power,” the raspy voice shouts again. Her voice echoes off the cave walls now in front of us.
Stepping out of the darkness, a woman with long black hair and silver eyes smiles a wicked, evil smile our way.
Her wrinkled skin hangs off her bone-thin frame.
Ason and I stand in front of her. This is the moment we had waited for. The moment that will determine the fate of not only our lives, but the lives of those at the academy.
“Do you want to remain here with me?” the Dark Magic Witch purrs, her voice grating over my nerves like nails down a chalkboard.
“Sorry, but we aren’t here to stay. We just need something that you took,” Ason says, his voice strong and powerful.
I can’t help but glance up at him with pride. He’s being so brave in the face of danger.
The woman cackles, her head falling back as her long hair sways all around her body. “Many like you have tried, but none have made it out of here alive,” she says.
“I’m sure they have, but none have had the power like we do,” I say, speaking up for the first time.
Her head snaps my way and I see the smirk that grows across her face. She clearly thinks I am just a weak student, but she doesn’t know the power I possess. As her eyes scan over me, they stop on the gem around my neck.
“What are you?” she asks me, cocking her head to the side.
“I’m a Seer and a descendant from the Halliwell Witches,” I proudly say.
Her eyes grow wide and for a second, I think I see true fear hiding behind her evil glare. “I am familiar with your kind,” she begins.
As she talks to me, Ason begins to move away and toward the cave. Not wanting to draw attention to him, I keep her focused on me.
“Maybe, but I have something the others didn’t,” I argue.
“I highly doubt that. You are nothing more than a young, weak girl. You can’t possibly have the power needed to stop me,” she laughs.
“I may be young, but I am not weak. I have a team behind me and visions that let me see what is really happening,” I explain.