Page 19 of Curse of the Shadow
A few students watch as I walk by and I hate how they are looking at me. This takes me back to my first few days at the academy and I detest that feeling.
“Just ignore them,” Candi whispers, as she senses my mood.
We stop in front of my first class of the day and I see Detective Sparks talking with the instructor. Already, my stomach is dropping as I sense this can’t be good.
“Great, what is she doing here?” I ask out loud, though I meant to only think it.
I guess I spoke too loudly, because all heads turned to look at me standing outside of the room. Pursing her lips, Detective Sparks begins walking toward me.
“Good morning, I was looking for you,” she greets me, though her tone isn’t friendly.
“Why? I thought I was resuming my normal schedule today,” I quickly say. I’m a bundle of nerves right now.
“We need to discuss that. Your Headmaster will be speaking with the students this afternoon and then I will be meeting with you after,” she explains in her professional manner. “Go on to class, and we will meet up again later,” she finishes, offering us all a forced small and nod then she retreats down the long hallway.
I’m dumbfounded at first, but Candi soon enough pulls me along into our first class of the day. It’s hard to focus when I know things are about to change once again. I do my best to get through my morning classes, but I barely hear what my professors say. While they continue with their lessons, everyone seems to be on edge, including our instructors.
After lunch, we all receive texts from the Headmaster informing us to all meet in the auditorium.
As we walk into the large space, I can’t help but feel how tense the air is. Students glance around nervously as their quiet words filter in the air.
Walking onto the stage, Headmaster Patricia glides over to the podium. She watches students as they finish filing in. Once everyone is silent, she smiles. Her long, golden robes hang over her powerful frame as she begins to speak, “Students, thank you for your attention. I know at a difficult time like this, you all have questions and concerns. Last semester, we had an amazing team protect our students from the Dark Magic Witch and the Cursed Forest.” She paused, and I couldn’t help but glance around and smile at Anson, Leo, Candi, Stella, and Kindle. “While I don’t want to cause alarm, I do need to be clear about the rules that need to be followed. No student is to leave the academy. I have placed a ward over the property, but the evil after us could easily penetrate onto the grounds.” She paused again as voices began to grow loud around me. Students were obviously frustrated by this new danger that we have found ourselves in.
I glanced at Candi, but when I saw the anger flashing across her face that was still staring at the stage, I turned my attention to see Violet, Luke, Jax and Professor Alken walk out onto the stage. Once students saw the group approach the Headmaster, all talking subsided.
“I asked another team of Supernaturals to join us this semester at the academy to help protect our school. They will be working with our current team patrolling the area and investigating the crimes being committed against us,” Headmaster Patricia announced.
“What crimes?” a student shouted from the back of the auditorium.
“We need to know what’s going on?” another student cried out.
Slamming her hand on the podium, Headmaster Patricia grew infuriated by the outbursts. “As your Headmaster, I command you all to be respectful and cautious of what you say. I will answer your questions one-by-one.”
A girl in the row in front of me stood, her hand raised high. She had short blonde hair and striking green eyes that reminded me of a forest. She must be a Fae. “Headmaster, can you please tell us what other crimes have been committed? Obviously, we know about the awful murder that took place in the courtyard and I appreciate you sharing that with our families, but we need to know what other dangers are upon us?”
Leaning over, Candi whispered in my ear, “that’s Mavis. She’s Fae royalty. Her parents are part of the Fae kingdom.”
Headmaster Patricia answers Mavis’ question, though her tone is harsh as she speaks. “A human girl was found dead in a local marsh. Supernatural detectives believe the rogue Supernaturals who are using dark magic are killing the humans as a way to taunt us,” she stops for a moment when Detectives Jameson and Sparks approach the stage. I can tell that they are not happy about how much information she is disclosing to us, but as our Headmaster, she has to tell us the dangers that affect not only us, but our community as well. As she continues, she glares back at the detectives, warning them not to interrupt her. As much as I can tell they want to stop her, they don’t. Even they know she is far too powerful for them to argue with. “They want to draw out one of our own and I, for one, won’t allow that. We have never allowed evil to prevail and we won’t start now.”
Her commanding tone sends goosebumps down my arms. There’s pride in knowing that the Headmaster and these teams are ready to protect me.
“Is this about Farrah?” another student, this time a boy who is a few years older than me asks. His head turns to look at me as he asks the question. “If the evil beings want Farrah, why don’t we just send her away from all of us?”
Anson stands abruptly from his seat in the row across from mine. I see Leo try to stop him, but Anson is already starting to shift into his wolf. “Hey, Farrah isn’t going anywhere. We take care of our own here,” he growls. I watch in horror as he leaps over the students and chairs as he races toward the boy.
In a flash, Leo and Professor Alken are grabbing onto Anson, trying to calm him in an attempt to stop him from ripping this boy apart. The boy jumped, his body blurring as he shifted into a large mountain lion. Chaos ensued all around me as students screamed while others began growling and shifting into their animals, too.
I watched in horror as Anson's monstrous wolf form lunged at the mountain lion. His black fur bristled and snarled as his razor-sharp claws ripped deep into the lion's flesh, tearing golden chunks of fur and muscle with each powerful stroke. I wanted to intervene, but my fight-or-flight instincts clearly weren’t working correctly. I remained frozen in place, unsure of what to do next.
“Should we stop them?” Candi asked, as she grabbed onto my arm.
Kindle shifted into her sleek cat form and jumped over the rows of seats as she hissed at the fighting animals. Professors were yelling and starting to chant and use magic to try and stop the fight, but it seemed like these guys weren’t aware of anything but each other.
The guys were a blur of paws and fangs as they battled it out in front of the entire school. Anson's shape could be seen through a gap, his teeth bared in fury as he unleashed on the Mountain Lion.
Headmaster Patricia flew from the stage, her commanding voice rang out through the air like a gong. "Stop," she screamed so loudly, that large chunks of plaster fell from the ceiling and crashed around her.
Her authoritative voice that could only be described as frightening, had us all trying to keep our balance. The crowd hushed immediately, as though waiting for her next command. To my surprise, Anson and the mountain lion were frozen in mid air, both of their paws extended as though they were ready to swipe at the other.