Page 20 of Long Live the King
I put the confrontation from earlier behind me and enjoy the rest of the day and the weekend with the girls.
At least, I try to.
But thoughts of empty green eyes flit through my mind every so often.
I startle awake.
Bleary-eyed, I reach for my phone and check the time. Eight fifteen am.
I have class at nine am. Why did no one wake me?
I put on a pair of jeans and a light sweater, throw my things in a bag and stumble into the living room.
I grab the t-shirt, still in its packaging, and tuck it under my arm.
“Thayer? Are you here?” I ask, opening the door.
She’s still in bed and, if her face is anything to go by, I’ve just woken her up. “Get up! We’re going to be late for class.”
That’s enough to send her hurtling out of bed and towards the bathroom. “No, no, no. We can’t be. Why didn’t the girls wake us up?”
“Nera had practice this morning and Six had Spanish.”
I’d remembered they’d reminded us on Sunday when we’d gone to brunch at a small restaurant in a nearby town.
A very boozy brunch, and combined with the jet lag, had clearly wiped us both out.
“Oh, right. Okay, give me five minutes and I’ll be ready.”
We’re on campus ten minutes later, Thayer’sTokyo Driftstyle of driving having come in handy for once.
We’ve made good time and have about twenty minutes before classes start.
As we’re walking across the grounds towards the main building, I take in the students milling about the campus. They’re headed in different directions, all walking hurriedly towards their classes.
Only one small group is still stationary. There’s about ten of them, all sitting on a section of the lawn under a large oak tree.
Their leisurely demeanor is at odds with the activity around them. They’ll be late for class and they don’t care.
It’s a show of power.
A taunt that they control the school, students and teachers, and can do whatever they want.
Among the crowd, I notice Rogue.
My heart skips a beat at the thought of approaching him.
He’s deceptively relaxed.
A position that seems harmless to the general onlooker but that I know is more dangerous than it seems, even after just one meeting.