Page 32 of Long Live the King
“What does it mean?” I repeat.
“I’m not sure.” He answers. “But I do know he’s never reacted like this to anyone before. For better or worse, you’ve got his attention.”
My heart jumps to my throat, but I play it off. “Like I said, phenomenal.”
He comes up to my side, draping an arm over my shoulder and giving me a sharp squeeze. “Cheer up, darling. I’m going to have a front row seat to this whole event and I need you to put on a show for me.”
The one word command breaks the moment like the crack of a whip, interrupting our conversation before I can answer him.
Rogue stands stiffly in front of us, the fingers of his right hand beating a brisk rhythm on his leg. His fathomless gaze takes me in, racking over me slowly before trailing to where Rhys’ hand rests on my arm.
His eyes darken and the temperature around him cools several degrees. His jaw is clenched tight. Rhys releases my arm without a word and removes his from my shoulder.
“Better go Mackley, your master is calling.” Thayer jabs at him as he walks by her.
“Lose the boyfriend and I’ll be happy to show you who owns who here.” He throws back easily before stalking off next to a still obviously angry Rogue.
I’m surprised he didn’t start another confrontation. His dark mood is usually a catalyst to our arguments.
“Thayer, what the hell was that about?” Nera asks.
“I have no idea.”
“Rogue hates me. Phoenix hates Six. And Thayer and Rhys are doing whatever it is they’re doing. If there was a fourth one, he’d absolutely be harassing Nera.”
“Don’t worry about me, I’ve got my own issue to handle.”
“Really?” Sixtine asks, and I can tell it’s the first she’s hearing of this. “Who?”
Before Nera can answer, the bell rings signaling the end of lunch.
“Shit, I’m going to be late for practice, coach is going to kill me. I’ll talk to you guys later!” She says with a pained groan before running off.
Thayer, Six and I head to our next class, the one I’d been most looking forward to.
World History.
I’m a sucker for learning more about our collective past and how every decision made by our ancestors contributed was a domino effect that brought us to this version of the present.
Getting a European perspective on subjects I know well from an American history point of view is exciting for a nerd like me.
My smile drops off my face when I walk into class and see Rogue. His eyes are already on me when I notice him. My heart sinks. Why did he have to be in this class as well?
He’s sitting next to the blonde haired girl I’d noticed earlier. When she sees me, a hand comes down on his shoulder and stays there. The territorial gesture is so obvious, she might as well have peed on him.
Like before, he doesn’t even seem to notice her touch. His black, bottomless gaze is fixed on me, his face giving nothing away. Why is it that the one time I tried to get physically close to him, he immediately grabbed my arm to keep me at bay, but this girl can put her hands all over him with barely a twitch from him?
“Who’s the girl sitting next to Rogue?” I ask Six quietly as we sit next to each other in the second row.
Without looking back to check, she leans closer to me and whispers. “That’s Lyra Wills-Hyde. She and Rogue have hooked up a couple times. She thinks that makes him her boyfriend.” She adds with an eye roll in my direction. “He barely acknowledges her, and only when he wants to, on his terms. It’s kind of pathetic seeing her so desperate for whatever meager scraps he’s willing to give her.”
“Yeah, he doesn’t really look all that interested.”
Six gives me a pointed look. “Be careful around her. She won’t like whatever’s going on between you and Rogue. She’ll see it as a threat to her thing with him. Even if it’s not.” She adds, raising a hand to stop my retort before I can say it. “She’s really vicious, Bellamy.”