Page 39 of Long Live the King
And they do. Nera’s wearing a deep V neck white silk blouse over a lace bra. The blouse is tucked into a leather skirt. Six is wearing a red dress with expertly placed cut outs and Thayer’s in a sparkly blue dress that compliments her eyes.
Back home, if we’d gone to a party I’d have thrown on a pair of cut off shorts, a graphic tee, and my air force ones. But Six said this was appropriate for where we’re going, so I relented.
I still feel like pinching myself most days.
Fifteen minutes later, we pull up to an open gate. A mansion is visible in the distance. As we approach, I can start to discern the details of the home between the trees. It’s a sprawling red brick house with white windows and shutters. Twelve columns of windows decorate the three story property.
“The three of them live here?” I ask and I can hear the incredulity in my own voice.
“Mostly. Rogue’s dad comes back home a few times a year as well. And you know about his mom.”
I remember her telling us she’d left him when he was younger. I couldn’t imagine that pain.
“Come on, let’s go in.” Nera says, hooking her arm through Thayer’s and guiding her through the two large double doors and into a grand foyer with a princess staircase.
“Let’s go to the kitchen and make a drink.”
She ushers us into a gorgeous open planned kitchen with unique colored tiling on the floor and kitchen backsplash. It’s elegant, modern and expensive looking. There are hundreds of people milling around the grounds and house, all dressed in designer clothing and accessories.
Six hands me a glass — no red solo cups in sight — and clinks hers against mine in a cheer. Grabbing my hand, she leads me and the others into another room. It’s a living space with sofas on which people are lounging and a makeshift dancing area that Thayer points to.
“The goal is to own this dancefloor by the end of the night.” She yells over the loud house music.
I quickly down my drink, trying to loosen the tension in my muscles from this week. I sway my hips as I shake my head to the music. The light buzz from the drink Six gave me is making me giddy. I laugh at a joke Nera makes and accidentally bump into someone behind me. I turn to apologize.
It’s Jeremy. I’d somehow forgotten about him since getting to the party, too focused on having fun with my friends.
“Hey.” He says, giving me an easy grin.
“Hi,” I reply, “I’m sorry about earlier.”
He waves my apology off with a hand. “Don’t worry about it. It looked like you had more pressing matters.”
I think back to how Rogue had lorded over us, glaring at me with a warning look in his eye. My eyes narrow at the memory. “Tell me about it. That asshole is hell bent on ruining every positive experience I have at this school.”
A flirtatious grin paints itself across his face. “So, are you saying our chat was one of those positive experiences you’ve had?
He’s trying, bless him.
He’s attractive, but I don’t think he’s my type. Our interactions don’t stir up any emotion in me. I know myself and the chances I’ll ever be into this guy are minuscule, if existent at all. I’m not trying to lead him on.
“I’m always trying to make new friends.” His smile falters at my response, and I search for a segue. “Oh, you mentioned you needed tutoring? I’m happy to help with that. What day can you be free?”
His grin is back to full shine. “How about Thursday? But it’ll have to be later in the evening because I have practice. Could you do 7pm ish?”
“Sure, no problem.” I reply helpfully.
“Great. Want to meet at my place? I have an apartment off campus so it’ll be quieter.”
We confirm the details and exchange phone numbers so we can text if anything changes with our schedules. I excuse myself and go to the kitchen to get a second drink.
I’m rinsing my glass in the sink when I look out the window and see Sixtine stomp off out the house, in the direction of the vast garden and even vaster darkness. Phoenix is hot on her heels, his steps angry and determined as he follows her before the black of the night swallows them both.
Looking to my left, I look into a second living room where Thayer is sitting on a couch. Shockingly, she’s talking to Rhys and their conversation seems surprisingly civil. Friendly even, especially when she laughs at one of his jokes, her head thrown back.
Both of my friends have gotten themselves into situations with guys at this party and Nera is nowhere to be found. I shoot her a quick text asking her where she is, but she doesn’t respond.