Page 63 of Long Live the King
I pause before answering her. I know exactly what I want. “Tell me about your panic attack. Was that the first time you’ve had one?”
She turns her back to me, reaching a book up onto a shelf. “Pass.”
Less than twenty four hours after we made our deal, she defies me. So much for her obedience.
My cock is straining against my zipper. Maybe her fight does turn me on more. “Do I need to remind you about the deal we made?” I ask in a deceptively soft voice.
She sighs, turning back towards me. “Why do you even care?”
“I don't. Like I said, I'm bored.”
She gives me a long look, clearly weighing whether to obey or not. With a deep exhale, she makes the right decision. “There’s not much to tell. They’re a recent development; I’ve had fewer than half a dozen, all in the last year. This week was the first one I’ve had since I got here.”
“What triggers it?”
“Stress, mostly. I’ve been hyper focused on my studies in the past year. College applications are exceedingly competitive these days and I don’t have a lot of unique extracurricular activities so my application will rely primarily on my grades. And I have a lot riding on getting into a good university, so I’ve been perpetually anxious about anything school related. You can understand now why I’d take your objectively shitty deal. Whatever pain you’ll inflict on me will be worth it if it means keeping my academic record clean.”
“If stress provokes a reaction, it’s interesting that none of our previous arguments have prompted one. Don’t you think?”
She doesn’t reply.
“Do you take medication for it?”
“No, I probably should. I just…” She pauses, searching for her words. “Taking medication feels like admitting there’s something wrong with me.” I remain silent, letting her speak. “I know I’m being stupid and it’s all in my head. There’s nothing wrong with taking medication, I just haven’t been able to bring myself to cross that mental barrier.”
“I don’t think it’s stupid.” She lifts her head to meet my eyes. I can see in her gaze that she’s surprised by my response.
I shrug. “Only you know what’s best for you. And if you’re unsure about medication and finding other ways to manage it, why force it?”
She looks at me, really looks at me. Like she’s trying to decipher a thousand piece puzzle. “Who are you and what have you done with Rogue?”
Something passes between us as we just stare at each other - her holding a book, me with my hands folded under my arms. It sparks in the air and connects us in that moment.
I clear my throat, breaking the spell. “Look what I found.” I say coming to stand by her shoulder as I show her the book in my hand.
It’s a copy of the Kama Sutra.
“What the hell is that doing here? This is a school for crying out loud.”
I finger a strand of her hair between my fingers as I answer. “Only a frigid virgin would say that.”
“I’m not frigid.”
“No you’re right.” I hum in agreement. “You definitely didn’t feel frigid when you came on my fingers."
She blushes and walks to one of the shelves to set a book down and put space between us. If the way she distances herself from me anytime I approach her is anything to go by, she doesn’t trust her body around me.
“So you are a virgin then?”
“None of your business.”
“We made a deal.” I say, reminding her of the pact she made with me. “I'm asking that you tell me the truth.”
“Yeah. What’s it to you?” She asks defensively as she crosses her arms and faces me. The defiant tilt of her chin echoes the way she’d stood before me after the pond incident.
“Nothing.” I say with a careless lift of my shoulder. “It’s only good to know for when I eventually fuck you.”
She scoffs. “I’m not sleeping with you.”