Page 68 of Long Live the King
His smile is gloating when he replies. “Home is with me, sweetheart, or have you forgotten?”
“You were serious about that?” I ask with a weary sigh.
“I’m going to get as much out of my six weeks as I can.”
“Fine, but I need to go home and grab a few things. And somehow find a way to tell my roommates that I’m going to spend the next six weeks sleeping somewhere else because my arch enemy wants 24/7 access to my services as his personal slave.”
I tried to tell him I’d meet him at his place, but Rogue insisted on driving me to my apartment. I exit his car and head towards the door before turning around when I hear a door slam.
“Um, where the hell do you think you’re going?”
“Upstairs. I want to see where you live.”
He sighs. “It'll be much easier for the two of us if you just do what I ask instead of fighting me every step of the way.”
“Maybe. But I never promised I’d make this easy for you.”
“I’m coming up.” His tone brooks no argument.
“Good talk.” I say sarcastically before turning on my heel and stalking away. I run into the elevator and flip him off as the doors close in his face. In my war with Rogue, that feels like winning a major battle.
My victory is short lived however when the doors open on my floor and I find him leaning lazily against the wall opposite the elevator. There are no signs that he just ran up three flights of stairs. He’s not disheveled or out of breath in any way, he looks as gorgeous and put together as he always does. It’s infuriating.
He spreads his arms out wide in a mocking gesture. “Forgot something?”
I stalk past him down the hall. “Nope.”
Seconds later, I walk into the apartment with Rogue hot on my heels. Thayer is in the kitchen humming along to a Justin Bieber song as she whips something in a large bowl with her back to me.
“Hope you’re hungry B, I’m making breakfast for dinn– what the fuck?” She turns around as she speaks and comes face to face with me… and Rogue, who’s standing behind my left shoulder.
I can only imagine what she’s thinking and she’s not one to hold back just because he could destroy her with barely the lift of a finger. “Are you aware the antichrist is standing behind you or did he sneak in here like an evil version of Santa Claus?”
“It’s a long story. Basically he’s blackmailing me.”
“Correction, we made a deal. One that you willingly agreed to.”
“And one that you’re already abusing so I’ll call it blackmail to my friends if I want to.” I counter before turning back towards Thayer. “Remember how I told you about the deal we made yesterday?” She nods wordlessly. “Well now he wants me to sleep with him for the next six weeks.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“Just sleep, nothing else.” I add hurriedly, throwing him a glare. “It’s so he’ll have constant access to me for all the evil crap he’s got planned for me.”
Thayer grabs my arm, pulling me with her to a corner of the room. “B, that man will have you naked under him within the week if you do this.” She whispers.
“No, he won’t.” I say, a little affronted. “Give me a little credit, please.”
“You give me a little credit.” She counters, crossing her arms at me and raising a questioning brow. “Are you telling me nothing’s happened between you two? Before you answer, you should know you’ve got a hickey on your neck.”
“What?” I run into the bathroom behind us and look in the mirror. There’s a few bruises along the column of my throat. “I look like I got mauled by a wild animal.”
“Didn’t you?” She asks with a smirk. “You could have told me.”
“There’s nothing to tell. Really.” I add when she gives me a skeptical look. “We’ve only kissed a couple of times and done…some other stuff.” I say, my flush deepening. “But we haven’t slept together and we won’t.”