Page 112 of Love in the Dark
She nods slowly, like she’s still processing it herself.
“He slapped m—Tristan, no!”
By the time her words are out, it’s too late.
He’s just back on his feet and I dive for him, driving my shoulder violently into his stomach and slamming him back to the ground.
My fist cracks against his jaw. His face flies to the side with a sickening crunch.
He groans and turns his face back, and I hit him again.
And again.
My fist comes down with a viciousness I’m unfamiliar with as the primal need to protect Nera takes over.
“Tristan, please,” I hear her call from behind me.
“She’s half your size,” I snarl inches from Rex’s face. He cowers, lower lip trembling as he turns his face from me. I shake him viciously, roaring my fury into his face. “Half your fucking size. Do you like hitting women, you disgusting piece of shit?”
I slam his head down against the floor and punch him again.
“Please stop. Please,” I hear distantly as I feel smaller hands pull at my shoulders. There’s nothing she can do, I barely register her being there, blinded as I am by my rage.
Her face comes down in my peripherals as I place my hands around Rex’s neck and squeeze.
“How does this feel, wanker?” I spit, enraged. “This is how I’m going to kill you. Snuffing the life out of you and snapping your neck in two for putting your hands around her fucking throat.”
“Tristan,” Nera begs now. Her voice is desperate. Pleading. She crouches next to where I’ve got Rex pinned to the ground and I hate that I’m forcing her to come within inches of him just so she can get through to me. “Please. Please let him go, I’m begging you.” She clasps my face in her hands, forcing my wild eyes to meet her scared ones.
Seeing the still terrified look in her eye brings me crashing back down to reality.
“I don’t want you getting in trouble over this, I won’t forgive myself if you do. He’s not worth it, so please let him go, okay?” Her tone is coaxing, her lips coming down on mine to emphasize her words. “For me.” She caresses my face and I can’t believe she’s having to calm me down when she was the one attacked. “Let him go for me. Take me home instead.”
I release him the minute she says the words.
I reach for her and crush her against my chest as I come to stand, my hands clutching the back of her head and her lower back.
Slowly, I feel her relax. Her arms come around my waist and splay at my back. I hold her against my thrashing heartbeat, reassuring the frantic organ that she’s okay.That she’s safe.
Relishing the feel of her curves against my body.
Trying not to think about what would have happened if I’d arrived minutes later.
If I hadn’t come looking for her at all.
“Thank you,” she says, words muffled against my chest.
I pull her head back, brushing the hair out of her face and angling it up to meet mine. She’s shaking like a leaf and a fresh wave of violence clobbers through me, demanding an outlet.
“How are you here?”
I drop a long kiss on her forehead, holding her against me as my eyes shutter. I’m only just getting my heartbeat under control.
“You should have been done with practice and at my place hours ago. I was worried.”
She trembles against me and I think maybe she’s crying. When I look down at her face, her cheeks are dry but the light in her eyes is gone.