Page 116 of Love in the Dark
“Tristan, I–”
“Don’t even suggest going home right now,” he says, brushing strands of my hair gently back behind my ear. “I don’t want to hear it. You’re staying here tonight.”
He sighs softly. “Because I need to make sure you’re okay. Because I want to sleep wrapped around you. Because I want to wake up next to you. Take your pick of the reasons. Either way, you’re spending the night with me.”
Butterflies flutter in my stomach even as my eyes grow so heavy with sleep that I can’t argue. The truth is, even if I could, I wouldn’t. There’s nowhere else I want to be tonight.
I think in his bed and next to him is the only place I can sleep peacefully.It’s the only place I feel safe.
“I want the other side of the bed then,” I mutter sleepily.
He chuckles, the sound deep and rich. Warmth spreads in my belly knowing I made him laugh.
“I can live with that compromise.”
I roll over and he gets in besides me, tucking me against his chest.
“You take up an ungodly amount of room,” I snark. His big body eats up his entire side and part of mine, but mostly it makes me feel safe. Especially the way his arm wraps around me and his palm settles at my hip.
“You’re welcome to sleep on top of me.”
“I like my space,” I say, turning away and making a move to get to the edge of the mattress.
“Too bad,” he answers, lifting his arm and rolling me back down onto his chest with ease. He turns us over, lifting me like I weigh nothing, and folding me within his chest so that I’m the little spoon to his big spoon.
It’s suffocating and wonderful. I can’t even pretend to fight him as I melt into his embrace and drift off straight to sleep.
Minutes later, Tristan carefully extricates his arm and leaves the bed, waking me in the process. I pretend to be asleep as he stops at the door and looks back at me. I feel his gaze caressing my face before he ducks out.
I hear the front door open and close and then muffled speaking. I can’t understand what he’s saying, but I think he’s on the phone.
He’s back inside after a few minutes and peeking his head in to see if I’m still where he left me. Like I could have moved without him knowing.
He leans in, his hands coming down on either side of my body. He places a hot kiss on my forehead and pulls back, leaving the room and the apartment once more.
He’s gone hours this time before he’s back and sliding into bed beside me. I slept the entire time; I only know how long he’s been gone because sunlight pokes in from behind the blinds.
“Where were you?”
He tenses at the sound of my voice.
“Getting some fresh air.”
I turn on my side to face him. Tristan does the same, grabbing my ass and tugging me against him. He splays my leg across his waist, pushing his hips and hard cock into my stomach. His hand rubs up and down my thigh, coming to rest on my ass.
“Don’t lie to me.”
Even in the darkness, his stare pins me. “I had something to handle.”
I reach out and cup his cheek, brushing my thumb tenderly along the defined planes of his cheekbones. His eyes are fluttered to half-mast as he stares down at me with an intensity I know I should be terrified of.
“What did you do?” I ask, softly.
“Nothing for you to worry about,” he says, clutching me even closer so that his chin rests on my head as my face presses against his chest.