Page 128 of Love in the Dark
“Yeah,” I put my hands up. “You’re on your own though, I’ve already said too much.”
I don’t want to get involved in their relationship, I just want to nudge it in the right direction.
When that thought flits through my brain, I take a moment to recognize how much has changed. A few months ago, I probably wouldn’t have believed in any relationship enough to think it was worth a second chance, let alone now trying to help it myself.
“That’s alright, thanks for telling me.”
His phone dings and when he looks at the screen, his eyes widen. A smile erupts on his face and he jumps to his feet, forgetting his drunken state. He almost takes his friends and a couple others down, but Phoenix catches him.
“You alright, mate?” Phoenix asks.
“Yeah, yeah. I have to go, Thayer texted.”
I smile as I watch him gather his things, the joy that suddenly radiates from him palpable in the room.
I turn towards the sound of my name and look at Rogue.
His eyes are pinned on something in the distance. My stomach clenches. He’s not moving, just staring intensely.
“Is that who I think it is?”
With his words, I watch both Rhys and Phoenix’s gazes slide slowly over to where he’s looking. Rhys’ eyes widen, whereas Phoenix’s stay blank.
I look over my shoulder at where Tristan sits in our booth, his black gaze fixed heatedly on me. There’s no use denying who he is or pretending that he’s not with me. Not when the territorial look he levels my way makes it obvious to any man around us that he fucks me.
“You’re playing with fire,” Phoenix says.
“You’re one to talk,” I snap back at him. Six just recently told us that they’ve been sleeping together, that they’re engaged even.
You’vegot your own lane to worry about, I want to say. Then I remember that he could tell Thornton about Tristan and I and I swallow those words.
“I know what I’m doing.” They’re all entangled in some way with my best friends, that means I’m pretty sure they’ll keep this secret. “You won’t say anything, right?”
I nod, an understanding passing between us, and go to walk away. I’m halfway back to my booth when I hear Rogue call after me. I turn, noticing that Rhys has left, and take a few steps back towards them.
He tips his chin in Tristan’s direction.
“He ever crosses a line, you let us know.”
A surprised grin stretches slowly across my lips.
“Yeah, what are you going to do if he does?”
Phoenix leans forward, propping his elbows on the counter. “Deal with the problem for you,” he says with a threatening smile.
“Ew, don’t get all emotional on me now lads, it’s totally ruining your bad boy mystiques,” I say, teasing. But I reach out with one hand and squeeze Rogue’s forearm. He’s mellowed out on the psychotic tendencies since he and Bellamy got back together and I’m touched by his protectiveness of me. “But thank you.”
I feel Tristan before he touches me, his warm body calling to mine even before he presses against my back and places a large hand on my hip. I guess he got tired of watching from afar.