Page 147 of Love in the Dark
She’s blond and beautiful. Tall, with fine, dainty features, gorgeous blue eyes and a stunning smile that she aims at him.
Happy, uncomplicated, definitely emotionally available.
Everything I’m not.
The waitress comes up to their table and pours him some wine. He swirls it around in his glass and smells it before taking a sip.
He’s on a date. With someone else.
In public.
Taking her coat and helping her with her chair andtouchingher. I turn away as a violent urge to throw up seizes me at the throat. The nausea is overwhelming and almost enough to take me out at the knees, but Rhys is right there.
He grabs my elbow when I stumble, brows creased at the whiteness of my face. He looks over my shoulder at the car crash happening in the restaurant, his eyes scanning for what could possibly have upset me. When they land on Tristan and his date, his features smooth out in anger, his gaze turning flinty.
“Who is that he’s with?”
“I don’t know,” I croak, voice absent.
Rhys stares at him silently for a couple of seconds.
“You want me to kill him?” he finally asks.
Somehow, that manages to pull a lone chuckle from my chest. It sounds more like a sob when it comes out.
“No, thanks for the offer though.” I work to calm my dying heartbeat, to stifle the pain before it spreads through my whole body and takes me under.
It’s my fault.
I’m the one who told him we weren’t dating. I pushed him away. I have no one to blame for myself that he finally listened to me.
“We were never exclusive,” I hear myself say.
But we were. At least, I was.
I thought he was as well.
I would never have opened up the way I did to him if I thought he was seeing other people.
I pull out my phone and see that I have a couple missed texts from him.
Gary:I won’t be free until later tonight.
Gary:Come over around midnight?
Frozen shock morphs into blazing fury. He was going to go out with this woman, probably kiss her and touch her, and then come home and fuck me. How long has he had this double life? How long has he been playing me for a fool?
Tears of anger cloud my vision as I stalk off. Dark, unspent energy surges through my arms and legs. I need to put distance between me and my friends before I lose my shit.
“Hey, where are you going?” Rhys calls, jogging after me.
“I don’t know, but I need to be alone. Go take care of Thayer, I’ll be fine.”
He looks over his shoulder at his girlfriend who’s still helping Bellamy. He turns back towards me.
“Be careful,” he says. “She’ll kill me if something happens to you.”
I nod and march off into the night, at first walking, then jogging, faster and faster until finally I’m running at full speed down the dark streets of Geneva, the tears streaming off the sides of my cheeks and into the wind.