Page 158 of Love in the Dark
My eyes roll back into my head at his heated, possessive words.
I let my walls, my fear of vulnerability, and my own mistrust blind me to the fact that he loves me. With those finally destroyed and gone, all that’s left is love. I see it clearly now. He’s been there for me for months, taking care of me, fighting my battles,savingme.
I clasp his face between my hands as he drives into me. He stares at me, first at my eyes, then my beauty marks, then my mouth, and back to my eyes. His mouth is parted, small pants of effort dropping from his lips with each thrust.
Staring deep into his clear ocean-colored eyes, I bring his face closer and lay my own claim.
His bright irises darken in response, his pupils dilating.
Wetness pools in my lower belly in response, my pussy clenching around his thick length.
I’ve been so stupid. I almost let him slip through my fingers. I hold on to him for dear life now, like someone finding a life raft in the middle of the stormy deep sea and clinging on to it to get to safety.
And I find that when the words slip out, they’re far easier to admit to, to proudly declare even, than I thought they’d be.
“Yeah, baby?” he answers, eyes closed in concentration. His thumb finds my clit and brushes against it, driving me wild.
I caress the side of his face softly.
“I love you too.”
His eyes fly open. They find mine, wild and frenzied, even as his teeth grind together.
“Don’t tell me that when I’m balls deep inside you.”
I laugh, holding on more tightly. “Why not?”
“Because you’re going to make me come.”
He spins us around and walks over to the bed where he lays me down, crawling on top of me while still buried inside me.
“So, I shouldn’t tell you that I love you?” I say, teasing him.
“No, I want you to say it, fuck, Ineedyou to say it. Tell whoever will listen, in fact tell the whole fucking world so they know you’re mine. Just wait five minutes,” he grunts, forehead creased as he lifts my leg over his shoulder, changing the angle of his thrusts.
Pleasure lights up every atom in my body and I arch into him in response.
“I can’t,” I pant, “I can’t wait a second longer to tell you how I feel. Iloveyou.”
He curses and then his mouth slams down on mine. He kisses me as his thumb toys with my clit and his thrusts drive me closer and closer to the edge.
“I’m so unhealthily, dangerously, completely in love with you, baby.” His eyes burn my mouth like he’s taking in every word I’m saying and locking them away in his mind. They downright scorch when I use the same endearment he has for me. “I have been for a really long time, I just couldn’t admit it to myself. Couldn’t get over my past experiences to see that the best thing that’s ever happened to me has been standing right there all along. You’ve taught me to believe in myself, to be kind to myself. You’ve taught me how to really live and enjoy it. You make me iridescently happy. The truth is, I don’t know how to do life without you anymore. I hope I never have to find out. I don’t know what the future holds or how we navigate the reality of our circumstances but that doesn’t matter to me. All that matters is knowing that I’ll be with you and we’ll figure it out together.”
His eyes flash with pure obsession as he stares at me. He brushes his nose against mine before finding my mouth with his. He lets his weight rest completely on me, his body suffocating me with his warmth and affection.
I find his ear and whisper, “The best decision I ever made was walking up to you in that bar.”
“The best decision I ever made was going after you when you tried to walk away.”
I giggle and he thrusts punishingly inside me. My mouth parts on a whispered ‘o’ as he grunts against my ear, “Not funny. I almost missed out on the love of my life because of that little game.”