Page 39 of Found
He nodded. "I was a chaplain in Afghanistan, during the war. I was faced with a decision and I killed someone. I chose fear over faith. Death over God."
"It was war. Surely, God would understand. Isn't it written in the rules somewhere?"
"No, not for me. It's a mortal sin. I wasn't there to kill. I separated myself from God that day. There is no grace for me."
"I don't believe that."
"What we believe and what is truth are two separate things." He gave her hand a squeeze. "You'll keep my confession for me. My brothers of The Watch don't even know."
"Why did you tell me?"
"Because when I look at the savagery that was done to you and the fact that you still give credence to grace and mercy, it gives me hope. If you can see good in me, then I will hold onto that." He closed his eyes and briefly lay his hand on her stomach. When he opened them, he looked at the crest one last time, and his eyes grew wide.
"What is it?" she asked.
"The crest. It's not just Black Watch. Parts have been changed. It wasn't noticed before because of the inflammation, but I can see the details clearly now."
"What does it mean?"
"I'm not sure yet. I know this is a great violation, but can I take a picture of it?"
"Will it help find Imogen?"
"It might help narrow down the spot where we are to make the exchange."
She turned her head while he pulled out his phone and snapped several photographs. A tear slipped down her cheek; she was no longer able to keep it at bay. Lives hung in the balance, not only hers, but Imogen's and Sin's.
"I won't make excuses for Sin's poor behavior," Gabriel said as if reading her mind.
"There's no poor behavior. He didn't want this any more than I did."
"Aye, but he understood the vows he took."