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"Wait." He put his hand on her shoulder, holding her in place. The firelight danced off the planes of his face, highlighting his straight nose and strong jaw while shadowing his eyes in secrecy. "You look so beautiful."
She swallowed hard as he continued to study her. "I'm ruined, scarred for life."
"Not scarred. Perfect." He ran his hand up her leg, skimming it over her hip bone to the edge of the nightgown. "Please let me look at you."
She didn't say anything, and he must have taken her silence as permission, though she wasn't sure if that was what she intended. Either way, she didn't stop him. He lifted the hem higher, exposing her breasts, then carefully helped her sit up as he pulled it over her head along with the sweater. She lay back down, covering her chest with her arm. Then he moved lower, taking ahold of the waistband on her panties and pulling them down until those were removed also. A shiver ran up her spine. No one had ever examined her with such intensity before and he began to describe her as one would a piece of art.
"Your lines are exquisite. Long and lean," he said, running his hand up the length of her leg, "while still being delicate and graceful." He removed her arm from her chest, setting it above her head, and gently touched her collarbone.
"Your skin so fair, as to be luminous, "he brushed the underside of her breast, "but warm and so smooth." His hand continued its perusal. "It's like touching the light of a star."
He moved her other hand between her legs, positioning her so she touched her sex. She could feel the moisture that had grown there. "This is how I would sketch you—we could call it the Liberation of Charlotte."
She felt her cheeks flush hotly.
"There it is. The same passion from last night. So erotic," he said. His voice became low and husky. "Do you trust me, darling?"
She didn't trust herself, let alone him. But she couldn't deny it, she felt the same desire and she was afraid she would never feel it again if she didn't act upon it. "Does it matter if I trust you? I actually think the fact I don't makes it that much better."
He pulled the sweater he wore over his head and undid the holster around his chest, setting his gun down. She hadn't realized he had worn it tonight to the pub. "I'd rather you trust me," he said, taking off his shirt. "I promise I won't hurt you."
His chest was broad and chiseled, cutting down into a deep V where his kilt sat low on his hips. "Show me how you pleasure yourself."
Again, she felt her cheeks flame. She couldn't do that in front of him; it was something she did only in the privacy of her own bed.
"Charlotte," he said. "Show me."
Her hand circled her sex and she was surprised how quickly she responded. Her core clenched as the feeling rapidly built.
"That's it. Ensnare me with your charms. My own little femme fatale." Sin removed the thick leather belt around his waist, letting his kilt fall to the floor.
A moan escaped her, his audience only increasing her arousal. "That will be enough," he said hoarsely and got on top of her, putting an arm on either side of her face. "I want to be the one who makes you come." She brought her hand between them, running it over the hard muscles on his chest. "I want it to be my name you cry out in pleasure."
He was large and quite intimidating, and she hoped in the end she could please him. The small space separating them was now filled with anticipation and longing. He kissed her, and she opened instantly for him, letting him explore her with his tongue as he rubbed his cock along the entrance of her cleft, already slick with her own juices. He pushed in gently then came to a stop, his eyes growing wide. "Charlotte?" he questioned. He pushed himself up, so he could see her face. "Charlotte, are you a virgin?"
"Maybe, " she said, a little breathless. He was inside her, pushed up against her barrier, and she felt stretched and a little overwhelmed.
"Maybe? Lass, you either are or are not. There is no maybe." He hadn't moved a muscle as if the slightest act would bring everything tumbling down.
"Then, yes." She felt him start to pull out. "Stop. I want this."
"My darling girl, are you sure?"
"Yes." It might be her only chance and she wanted it with Sinclair Stuart. She wanted for once in her life to experience what it felt like to fulfill the yearning her heart had always sought.
He kissed her again, though it was gentler, like before. "My own masterpiece," he whispered. His energy changed, bridled like a pot of water right before it begins to fully boil, controlled and in control.
"Sin, please, " she begged. There was no turning back for her. She had already surrendered when she let him undress her.
"You'll be mine." He took her hand in his, interlacing their fingers. He pulled out a little before pushing through the thin sheath, the primordial act marking him as her first lover.
She let out a small gasp as the length of him filled her.
"Give it a moment, " he said. "It will get better."
"I'm fine." Her heart hammered in her chest. She had waited so long for this moment. To experience one of her deepest desires, unleashing the secrets not only of flesh but unlocking the mind to fully comprehend the meaning of passion. He slowly began to move in and out as his cock filled her with a satisfaction both sensorial and visceral.
"There you go." His breath was no more than a whisper on her cheek, reassuring her. She relaxed into his movements, matching his rhythm and felt her sheath tighten around him. He let out his own moan. The feeling took root, building as if some inward awakening had begun. "That's it, my darling," he said.
His mouth found hers, their lips interlocking. The kiss, though touching in its softness, contained a possessiveness to it, requiring her to succumb to his guidance if she wanted to go farther. She did. "Tell me what to do."
"Don't fight it, " he instructed. He increased the pressure of his thrusts, no longer restrained and deliberate. "Let it come." The feeling grew in her, extending to every cell in her body. She was on the cusp of an enlightenment both of feeling and knowledge, heightened only by the connection to the man who now dominated her. Their passions merged, potent and rich in awareness and pleasure. Their secrets had been undressed, the only thing between them a raw honesty of the soul. She was ready.
"Now, darling." His hand held her face.
She let the feelings erupt within and was catapulted into a new realm, floating and drifting, defenseless, until she gently returned. Sin held her as he stared into her eyes, and she knew in that moment this was her path out of the darkness of her nightmares.