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Chapter 23
Charlie had showered and was just finishing getting dressed when someone knocked the door. She went to answer it. A handsome red-haired man stood on the other side. "Mrs. Stuart," he said with a slight bow.
She shook her head. "Charlie is fine."
"Charlie." He smiled. "The colonel would like to extend an invitation to you to have breakfast with him in the Tower house."
"Oh," she said. "Uhm. Sure." She looked down at the sweater and baggie jeans she wore. "Now?" she questioned.
He nodded. "You're fine. It's nothing formal."
She wasn't sure she wanted to dine with Sinclair's uncle. She found him intimidating. "I've got William. I was going to take him out." The dog stood next to her and barked at hearing his name.
"I'm sure he'll enjoy the walk over," he said politely.
Apparently, there was no getting out of it. She was being forced to eat with Alex. She shut the door behind herself and walked with the man down the hallway. "My name's Kian by the way."
"It's nice to meet you." She glanced up at him. He looked like the boy next door with his clean-cut hairstyle and clear blue eyes, hardly a killer. "Do you work with Sin?"
"Aye, for years now," he said. "He's one of the best." They came to the main door and he opened it for her. The morning sun filled the sky.
She wasn't sure if that was supposed to be a compliment or not. Was it a good thing to be the best at killing people? "I think I can get there from here." She held her hand over her eyes, blocking the glare. The Tower house stood out in the distance.
"I'll walk with you," he said.
She now had the distinct feeling she was being guarded like a prisoner. William ran ahead, relieving himself on a birch tree, the papery white bark turning dark gray. "Is Gabriel here?" she asked. She didn't mind him, plus if they were keeping tabs on her, he at least would tell her the truth.
"No, he left with Sin this morning." Sin had been gone when she woke up and it left her feeling a bit crestfallen. She thought he would have at least said goodbye.
"Oh." They continued in silence until they got to the round stone building.
"Do you know in five years I've never been asked to dine with Alex in his personal residence? He must like you," Kian said, holding the door.
"More likely, he doesn't trust me to be alone." She followed him up an elaborate circular staircase and he knocked on an ornately carved wooden door.
"Or that." He laughed.
Alex answered almost immediately. "Good morning," he said, holding his hand out for her to come in. William stood at her feet, going in first.
"Not you," Alex said. "You can wait outside." The dog looked at him and growled. "For Pete's sake. You're worse than Sin. You can come in, but you're to stay off the furniture." William's eyes narrowed as he entered.
"My apologizes, Charlie. Please come in. I'm glad you could join me."
"Thank you," she said. She was glad William was staying and patted him on the head. At least she had one ally.
"That will be all, Kian."
"Yes, sir."
Alex shut the door. His place was stately. Not unlike his office, it was decorated in dark wood furniture and deep colors, giving off a very masculine feel. He led them into a dining room. Breakfast was set up on a sideboard. "I wasn't sure what you liked. Help yourself."
She took a plate and filled it with scrambled eggs, bacon and potato scones. "Coffee or tea?" Alex asked as she set her plate down next to his.
"Tea is fine, thank you," she said.
He handed her a cup, joining her at the head of the table. "It's not often I get company for meals," he said.
"That must get quite lonely." She placed her napkin in her lap. William had curled up at her feet.