Page 47 of Villainous Mind
I moved to the window, looking out. The day-to-day life of the city buzzed below. Cars whizzed by, horns honked, and people chatted endlessly on cell phones. Yet I could hear nothing as the silence of the city sky screamed at me. Was there truth in anything he said? “How can you protect me?” I asked with my back to him. “If this person can get to me, then they can get to you.”
“True,” he said. “But they can’t get to the dragon. At least not yet.”
“I’m being serious,” Navy sighed exasperated. “This isn’t a joke. You’re asking me to trust you.”
“I know it’s not a joke,” I said. “I wouldn’t have brought you here if I thought it was. I like you, Navy. A lot. More than I’ve ever liked anyone before. I’m sorry I’ve put you in this situation. But I will protect you.”
“Then start being honest with me, and no more talk of the fucking dragon.”
The fucking dragon.
She was right. He always got in the way. It’s why I never tried having a relationship since we, well, since his soul entered my body. No one would want to be with someone who shared a body with the bloody beast. He would always pose a problem.
On the other hand, I would never lie to Navy about him either. If she wanted me, she would have to accept Vortigern too. Whether she believed in him or not.
“Will you sit down?” I asked. She returned to the living room, sitting in an armchair across from me. “We’ve got the rest of the day. Is there anything you would like to do?”
“I need to speak with the old counselor from Milford Haven. The one who worked with the girls. She’s here in London.”
“I’ll have Dafydd arrange it,” I said. “What’s her name?”
“Maureen Davies. It’s Morgan’s ex-wife.”
My jaw tightened. The man was a fucking thorn in my side. “I knew his wife worked at the school. I never knew what she did, though.”
“I was hoping she might shed some light on the girls. Offer a common thread, perhaps.”
“I’m sure the superintendent already questioned her.”
“Morgan looks for the facts. He’ll have missed the subtle innuendos.”
I nodded. “Okay. In the meantime, I’ve made reservations at a restaurant for dinner. I wanted to do something nice for you to make up for everything. Let me buy you a new dress.”
Her nose wrinkled, and I had a feeling she would refuse. “I need to be working.”
“Navy, please. I know you hate help, but please let me take your mind off all the drama.”
“I don’t know,” she said. “It seems trivial with everything going on. Missing girls, Threats on my life.”
“I know it does. And you’re right. It is trivial. But until my meeting tomorrow, it’s all I can offer. Plus, I’m not going to take no for an answer.”
I knew my last comment would get a rise out of her.
“What? You’re going to force me to get a new dress. I don’t think so,” she said, standing up.
“And I said you’re getting one. It’s my place, my rules.” I stepped toward her, and she backed up until she stood in front of the window with nowhere to go.
Her eyes narrowed. “Then I’ll leave.”
“I already told you that’s not an option.” I took both her wrists in my hand, forcing them above her head, and held her against the window. We were forty-five stories up, and it was a dizzying drop to the ground.
“Let go of me,” she said between clenched teeth.
“Tell me you want a new dress.” I undid the snap on her jeans and lowered the zipper, yanking them roughly down around her hips.