Page 42 of Going Rogue
Ranger turned right on Hamilton, toward Chambers.
“Did you have any luck tracking the drone?” I asked him.
“Whoever you were talking to used a throwaway burner phone bought at a Walmart in Oklahoma. We were able to trace it through the carrier. All the information they gave to the carrier was bogus. The drone returned to a location a half mile away from where you were sitting. We have its landing narrowed down to one block but haven’t been able to pinpoint the building yet.”
“I’m running out of time. I need the coin tomorrow morning. I don’t see that happening.”
“Put up another sign that tells them you’re still working on it. We have cameras set up to monitor all street and sidewalk traffic passing in front of the bail bonds office. If they read the sign with a drone, it makes life more complicated.”
My phone buzzed. It was Morelli.
“Was that a serious message about Bella?” he asked.
“Yes. They said they were taking her away for evaluation. Not sure what that means. I drove her home from the viewing and when I went to get your mother to get her out of the car, she jumped into the driver’s seat and drove off. She hit three parkedcars and a tree. When the police showed up, she blew a point eighteen percent and threatened to give them the eye. Then she insisted they arrest her. So, they did.”
“Was she hurt?”
“Is there more to the story?” Morelli asked.
“Yes, but you don’t want to hear it now. I imagine you want to see what’s going on with Bella. Chuck Krizak was the arresting officer.”
“I know him. He’s new. He’s a good guy.”
“He tried to be helpful, but Bella wasn’t cooperating.”
“No surprise there. What about your car?”
“It wasn’t my car. It was Ranger’s 911. It got impaled on the tree, caught fire, and melted down to a glob of black goo. If you don’t want Bella spending the night in jail, you’re going to have to call Vinnie. For a price he can get Judge Luca out of his La-Z-Boy chair to set bail for her. I didn’t have any luck reaching your mother.”
Ranger looked over at me when I disconnected. “Bella drove off in the Porsche?”
“Yes, and I didn’t tell Morelli the best part. She was handcuffed. She was making a scene at the viewing, and I was asked to remove her. The woman is a maniac. Although, you have to give credit to someone her age who could climb over that console wearing a granny dress and handcuffs.”
“Just as well the car caught fire,” Ranger said. “I would have had to destroy it after that anyway.”
Ranger humor. Or maybe not.
My thoughts moved from Bella to Connie. I was finding it hard to muster optimism. I was bottomed out on positive energy.
“I’m screwing up,” I said to Ranger. “I haven’t made any progress at getting Connie released.”
“It’s a process,” Ranger said. “Have faith.”
“If I had faith, I’d be a better Catholic.”
Ranger reached over and wrapped his hand around mine. Okay, so maybe he did rescue me sometimes. Anyway, I liked it. There are times when you just don’t want to be alone, and you need someone to hold your hand. And when it’s Ranger holding your hand, you get all warm inside and fear goes away. You could probably get sucked up in a tornado and if you were with Ranger, you wouldn’t give a fig.
He cruised down Maymount Street and idled in front of the Beedle house.
“No Sentra,” I said.
Ranger parked the Cayenne next to my Honda CR-V. He walked me to my apartment and stepped inside with me.
Rex was awake and running on his wheel. He stopped running and blinked his shiny black eyes when the light went on. I took a shelled walnut from the jar on the kitchen counter and dropped it into Rex’s cage. Rex scurried over to the walnut, stuffed it into his cheek, and disappeared into his soup can. It’s easy to make a hamster happy.