Page 7 of Going Rogue
“Is there something I can do? You’re bleeding and your eye is swelling. Do you want to see a doctor?”
“I’m okay. I’m going in to collect some things and then I’m headed home. What brings you here?”
“I dropped off Carpenter Beedle. FTA. He’s the guy who tried to rob the armored car and ended up shooting himself in the foot.”
I wanted to talk to Morelli about his grandmother and about Connie, but he was dripping river water and the scratches were still oozing blood.
“I need to talk to you when you’re dry and not bleeding,” I said. “How about dinner? I’ll get takeout.”
“Sounds good.”
I crossed the lot to my car and slid behind the wheel.
“Was that Morelli you were talking to?” Grandma asked. “I could hardly recognize him with his hair slicked back.”
“He hauled a woman out of the Delaware.”
“He’s such a hero,” Grandma said. “And he looks good even when he’s wet.”
This was all true.
“Now what?” Grandma asked.
“I’m going to the office to see how Lula is managing.”
Lula was at Connie’s desk when Grandma and I walked in.
“It took me a couple hours to figure it out, but this is where I belong,” Lula said. “There’s almost nothing to do. All I have to do is sit here and look important. And I got a lot of authoritynow that I’m behind Connie’s computer. I already ordered some new magazine subscriptions. And I’m thinking about getting a new couch.”
“Connie’s only been gone for a couple of hours,” I said. “It’s not as if she’s not coming back.”
“Sure, I know that,” Lula said, “but I figure I should put myself to good use while I’m here. I’m a born organizer. I’m one of those take-charge people. And I look excellent behind a desk.”
“You do look pretty good,” Grandma said. “And the yellow braids brighten up the room and give a good contrast to your skin.”
“It’s like I’m an M&M,” Lula said. “Chocolate on the inside and a splash of color on the outside.”
“Have you heard from Connie or Vinnie?” I asked Lula.
“Nothing,” Lula said. “I’ve been listening to the police calls, but no one’s mentioned Connie, and I don’t want to hear from Vinnie. I don’t see where we even need him. I got everything under control here. I’m so organized I’ve got my lunch ordered already. And it’s getting delivered so I don’t have to leave my desk. Turns out this desk comes with petty cash.”
“We’re doing good, too,” Grandma said. “We already made a recovery. Carpenter Beedle.”
“How’s his foot?” Lula asked.
“It’s okay,” Grandma said. “He has it in one of those orthopedic-sandal things.”
“Pull up Connie’s calendar on her computer,” I said to Lula. “See if she has anything on there for today.”
“I already did that,” Lula said. “There’s nothing for today, but she has a dentist appointment tomorrow at four o’clock.”
“Maybe it got switched to this morning at the last minute,” Grandma said. “Maybe she’s at the dentist.”
“I guess that could be it,” Lula said.
I nodded.
No one said anything. Grandma fidgeted with her purse and Lula stared blank-faced at the computer screen. No one believed Connie was at the dentist. Connie would have told us that she wouldn’t be in until later.