Page 97 of Going Rogue
“I was jumped in Pino’s parking lot,” I said.
“She got off a shot and hit herself in the head with her gun,” Lula said.
“Again?” Grandma said. “What about the jumper?”
“He got away,” I said.
Grandma stepped inside.
“I heard about the mobile office at the deli so I came to take a look. I always wanted one of these. It’s got everything you need and it’s on wheels so you can go wherever you want. If I had a driver’s license, I’d get one.”
“It needs some fixing up,” Lula said, “but it has potential.”
“It has no potential,” Connie said. “It’s rusting out from under us.”
“Yeah, but it has temporary potential,” Lula said.
We all agreed that it had temporary potential, especially since we had no other alternatives.
“I don’t want to go scouting new office locations without Vinnie or Harry getting involved,” Connie said. “And neither of them is available.”
“This isn’t so bad, short-term,” Lula said. “I found my stash ofStarmagazines this morning. And you can’t hardly smell the mouse anymore.”
“Are you taking it on the open road?” Grandma asked.
“It won’t go on the open road in its present condition,” Lula said. “It has a leakage issue.”
“Leakage is a bummer,” Grandma said.
“We have to at least move the bus to the back of the property,” Connie said. “The city won’t let us stay on the road.”
“Let’s do it,” Grandma said. “I want to go for a ride.”
“I’m all about it,” Lula said.
“Will it make it around the block?” Connie asked.
“I drove it here from the junkyard, and I only had to add motor oil once,” Lula said.
I jumped out and pulled the plug on the electric and Lula added motor oil. Grandma and Connie sat at the small built-in table, and Lula got behind the wheel.
“Here we go,” Lula said.
There was a lot of grinding noise and the bus inched forward. We turned the corner, and the bus coughed a couple times and stopped. We all got out to take a look. Motor oil was running in a steady stream from under the bus.
“This isn’t good,” Lula said. “I used all my cans.”
The Rangeman SUV pulled up behind us and two Rangemen got out. I knew both of them. Hal and Rodriguez.
“What’s up?” Hal asked.
“We’re trying to move the bus to the back of the property, but it’s sprung a leak,” Lula said.
“We’ll give you a push,” Hal said. “Get behind the wheel and make sure it’s in neutral, brake off.”
We got the bus situated in the small lot, and I got out to thank Hal.
“No problem,” he said. “There aren’t parking spaces back here now that the bus is in place. We’re going to have to hang on the street, but we’ll still be able to see you.”