Page 106 of Dirty Thirty
“Not yet. It just happened. How’s the trial going?”
“My part is done. I fly back to Jersey tomorrow night. Where are you staying? How’s Bob?”
“Bob is great. I’m looking for a place to stay.”
“You can stay with me tomorrow night. I already told my brother he has to vacate.”
“I’m going to lose you any second,” I said. “I’m out of phone battery.”
This was a big fib. I wasn’t out of phone battery. I was at a loss for words. I didn’t know how to explain my days with Ranger. Were we sleeping together? Yes. Were we intimate? No. Even I couldn’t believe that one.
I disconnected from Morelli and went into the office. Lula was sitting in Connie’s chair behind her desk.
“Connie’s downtown springing Scargucci,” Lula said. “She said to tell you the restoration people are going to start your apartment today. And I’ve been temporarily promoted to acting office manager.”
“Does it come with a raise?”
“No, but I’ve given myself an expense account. It’s a shame I’m tied to this desk because with my new expense account I could goto the mall and get a dress for my big date tonight. My wardrobe is limited since everything disappeared in the fire.”
“I talked to Morelli just now. He’s coming home tomorrow.”
“Is that good or bad?” Lula asked.
“It’s good. Bob will be back home, and I can move in with Morelli until my apartment is put together.”
“What about you-know-who?”
“You just gonna kick him to the curb?”
“It’s not like that,” I said. “Ranger has no expectations. He has a life that he allows me to share from time to time, but we both understand that we have no committed future together. His life path doesn’t include marriage.”
“Okay, what about Morelli? Is he gonna marry you? He’s got a pool table in his dining room.”
“Yeah, I’m not holding my breath for that marriage proposal either.”
“How about you? Do you want to get married?” Lula asked me.
“I don’t know. I was married once, and it was a disaster. Sometimes I think that I would like the security and comfort of a long-term relationship, but then I look at Rex and I think maybe he’s enough. I don’t have to share a bathroom with him.”
“I hear you,” Lula said. “If I got married it would be for health insurance. I’m not marrying anyone who doesn’t have a group plan.” Lula looked beyond me to the front door. “Hello, here’s a cutie. He looks a little hungover but I’m pretty sure he’s wearing a Rolex and Gucci loafers.”
He was in his forties, thinning dark blond hair, white starchedshirt with the top three buttons open. Tan linen blazer. Tan slacks that fit just right. Reasonable weight that had gone a little soft.
“Hello, ladies,” he said, “I’m looking for Stephanie Plum.”
“I’m Stephanie Plum,” I said.
“And I’m the temporary acting office manager,” Lula said.
“I’m Frankie Plover,” he said. “I’d like to have a private conversation with Ms. Plum,” he said to Lula.
“You’ll have to take it outside,” Lula said. “I got a sworn responsibility to take care of the phones here. And by the way, are those real Gucci loafers?”
“That isn’t going to work for me,” Frankie said. “I need a little privacy.”
“I don’t get to see a lot of Gucci loafers that are on people’s feet,” Lula said. “Mostly I only see them in the store. Are they comfortable?”