Page 87 of Dirty Thirty
“He always carried a knife and fork and spoon. And he had a Swiss Army knife. Why do you want to know? Did someone find him? Is he okay?”
“He hasn’t been found, but we’re looking,” I said.
“This is weird,” Marcus said. “Who are you? Are you cops?”
“More or less,” Lula said.
“Not me,” Nutsy said. “I’m an unemployed doorman.”
I was in my parking lot, and I had no further use for Marcus. He’d told me everything I needed to know. He’d backed up Nutsy’s story, and he’d given me the information I wanted for Diggery. Eventually, the police would want a statement from him, but it seemed premature to turn him over to the police at this instant. Especially since he was wearing my handcuffs for no legitimate reason.
“Where are we?” Marcus asked.
“We’re in the parking lot to my apartment building,” I said. “Would you like to come upstairs and have something to eat? You didn’t get a chance to finish your sandwich.”
Marcus looked out at the building and looked down at his cuffs. “I’d rather just be free to go.”
“Of course,” I said.
Lula unlocked the cuffs.
“How are you going to get back to the church? It’ll take you all night if you walk.”
“I’ll find a way,” he said.
“I can drive you back,” I said.
He had the car door halfway open. “No! I mean, thanks, but I don’t need a ride.”
I gave him a twenty. “Is there a way to get in touch with you if we need more information? Do you have a phone?”
“I don’t have a phone,” he said, jumping out, backing away. “I don’t have anything.”
“If you’re going to steal a car, don’t take this one,” I told him.
And he was gone, disappearing behind an SUV, blending into dark shadows.
“Boy, he was in an awful rush,” Lula said.
“Maybe because he was just stun-gunned, dragged out of his nice comfy crack house, cuffed, kidnapped, and interrogated,” Nutsy said.
I got a call from Diggery.
“I’ve got someone for you to look at,” Diggery said. “I happened to know about a shallow grave and thought I’d go investigate. I got him dug up, but I couldn’t see the spider tattoo on account of the worms got to his hands, but I figure he’s about the right size.”
“I guess it wouldn’t hurt to take a look,” I said.
“It’s the road before mine. It doesn’t look like much of a road but there’s a couple homes on it. I’m standing at the end of the road. I’m the one with the shovel. Snacker is here with me too.”
“Does the road have a name?”
“Not that I know, but there’s a couple mailboxes and a refrigerator at the start of the road. The refrigerator doesn’t look all that bad to me, but no one seems to want it. I’d take it but I don’t have room for another refrigerator.”
“I’m about a half hour away,” I said.
“Snacker and me will be waiting on you.”
Lula was in the front seat next to me, scanning the road for refrigerators.