Page 124 of Forever Entwined
"Fuck you. If I've got to be here, then I need another beer."
"How about you and me head inside? There's something I want to talk to you about," Nate suggests, but again I brush him off.
"Screw that. I'm gonna sit here and get drunk. Go back to your stupid girlfriend," I say, turning my back on him and walking away. I hear Nate shout my name, but I just ignore him.
The group is in the middle of a big discussion right now, but I choose to ignore them and find salvation in my bottle as I throw daggers at Izzy, who is busy dancing with Riley.
"You must be so excited, Gabe." slurs Izzy’s friend, Harpy.
"About what?" I snap back.
"About Nate and Izzy's engagement, silly." Tucker's little pocket rocket of a girlfriend smiles.
"What the fuck?!" I yell as I spit and nearly choke on my beer.
"Gabe, you finally made it," Izzy cheers, trying to run up and hug me, but I push her away, causing her to fall flat on her ass.
"I’m here for my brother, not you, so leave me the fuck alone," I reply coldly.
"Did Nate tell you yet?" she slurs as the light from the fire illuminates and catches the sparkle of the ring on her hand.I would recognize that ring anywhere. I’ve spent more hours than I care to remember staring at that ring as I held my dying mother's hands. And now that bitch is wearing it. Why? Where did she get it? And when?Images of my mother, of the ring, and now of Izzy wearing her ring flash in my drunken head. As if it wasn't bad enough that Izzy came in and stole my brother, stole our childhood, now the bitch is trying to steal and replace my own mother too.
I see red. "Where the fuck did you get this?" I snarl, grabbing her wrist a little too hard and pulling her towards me, causing her to stumble.
"Ooo someone has their grumpy pants on." Izzy laughs, as she tries to pull her hand away.
I tighten my grip on her wrist and see her flinch and wince. I'm about to let go of her wrist because as angry as I am, and as much as she infuriates me, I've no intention of hurting her.
Before I get the chance, though, I feel a fist connect with my jaw, and see Nate's nostrils flare and pure fire blaze in his eyes above me as he screams, "Fucking touch her again, asshole, and that will be the last thing you ever do!"
I just stare at him in shock. Sure, Nate and I have fought before over Izzy, more times than I can count, but this is the first time he’s ever hit me. And judging by the venomous look he gives me, he means it.
Izzy tries to calm him down. "It's not his fault, baby. It's fine. He was just surprised. He was just playing; it's just our banter." I hear her stutter and fall over her own words as she tries and fails to calm him down. I also notice that both Tucker and Danny are standing very close to him at this point, although I'm not sure if they want to help him or stop him from beating my ass.I knew I shouldn’t have come.
"You can all go fuck yourselves!" I shout before storming off, kicking my chair in anger as I leave. I run straight to my car and don't bother to get my things because, unlike these idiots who seem to have enough stuff with them to last a month, I only brought a couple of t-shirts, a pair of jeans, some underwear, and a toothbrush. Those things I can replace if I have to. I hear footsteps running behind me, but instead of stopping, I speed up.
"Gabe, don't even think about getting your drunk ass behind that wheel!" Nate screams.
"Stop, both of you, don't do anything you'll regret later," Tucker, my brother's fucking lapdog, yells from behind us both.
"Come on, let's talk about this. We can fix things," I hear a girl, I assume fucking Izzy, call out. Her voice sounds far away. All I can hear is my own heartbeat as the adrenaline and blood pump through my body.
I make it to the car and am just opening the driver's door when I hear Nate bellow in a voice that is so angry I don't even recognize it. "Gabriel, get in that motherfucking car and we are DONE!" he yells. I stop and stare at him in shock for a moment before I climb in. I’m just starting the engine and about to drive off, when the door flies open, and Nate practically throws himself in the moving vehicle.
"GET THE FUCK OUT!" I scream.
I keep driving and refuse to stop. If anything, I accelerate.
"STOP THIS CAR NOW! YOU'RE JUST LIKE DAD!!" Nate screams at me. I've never seen him so angry in my life or heard him sound so full of venom and hate. I briefly wonder if this is what I sound like before I hear an almighty CRASH sound and feel the car spinning out of control as it hits something hard. I feel the car jerk and my head hits the window, then everything goes black.
The next thing I hear are sirens. I open my eyes slightly and feel a sharp pain in my head. I pass out again, then I hear a muffled voice, "Hello, do you know where you are?"