Page 129 of Forever Entwined
Three security guards come in now. Two pull Gabe away as he tries to fight back, but even for a guy like him, who's whole life has been a fight, it's pretty hard to do on crutches. The other stays with me, probably to make sure I don't go crazy again. "I'm going to have to ask you to leave as well," the man says sternly.
"Please don't," I plead. "I'm sorry. I promise not to say another word. Please, please don't make me leave him." I sob, falling to my knees and begging at the man's feet.
"It wasn't her fault, Paul. She's been here all day and all night and has been nothing but respectful," the redhead says to the guard.
"Alright Laura, for you, I'll give her another chance. But one more peep and she's gone," The guard says as he leaves us alone in the room.
"Thank you so much. I can't apologize enough." I sob, feeling immensely grateful for the nurse's kindness.
"It's alright, my dear. I can see the pressure you're under. Sit down calmly and I'll get you some pillows. But you best behave yourself while I'm gone," she says, pointing her finger at me playfully.
I sit silently next to Nate until she returns. "Here, I brought you blankets, pillows, and some leftover food from the food truck, since you probably forgot to eat. I hope you like ham and cheese," she says, handing me a sandwich, some potato chips, a yogurt, and a jug of water.
"Thanks so much. I'm so grateful, and I can't thank you enough for letting me stay here. I'm so, so sorry I freaked out like that; it really wasn't me at all," I say desperately, trying to convince her I’m not some psycho who goes around trying to fight fully grown men.
"I figured as much, my dear, and between you and me, I feel like it's probably about time someone put that man in his place." She giggles. "Remind me not to get on your bad side, though, as that sweet kitty sure has some sharp claws," she says, pretending to show her claws for effect.
"Now eat something and get some sleep. You look like you could use it."
"Thanks again," I say, giving the nurse a small smile since that’s all my deflated heart can manage.
"You're welcome, my dear. Oh, and one more thing," she says as she stands in front of the now open door.
"It's night time now and we want our patients to get some rest, so the next observation isn't until 6 a.m."
I just look at her blankly, with no idea what she's trying to say.
"So," she continues, "that means that for the next six hours, no one will come into this room to check on him unless there is a reason to do so. So if the chair is too uncomfortable and you decide to disobey hospital orders completely and climb up next to him on his bed..." she pulls the curtains closed and then says,"absolutely no one would know," she adds, with a wink.
"Thank you," I say, and run to give her a quick hug. I hope she knows how grateful I am.
"Of course, you know that's completely against hospital rules, so I'd never suggest that," she adds, putting her fingers to her lips as she walks out the door, closing it behind her.
I turn off the lights in the room, leaving only the small lamp above his bed on, so I can still see him in case something happens, before carefully climbing onto the bed beside Nate.
I rest my head on his bare chest, careful not to lean or pull on the cables connecting him to the machines, and nestle my body against him.
I lie here holding my breath, listening to the sound of his heartbeat until I drift off into oblivion, dreaming of a better time when all this was just a horrible nightmare. I imagine our life together and the love that our future holds.
I'm escorted back to my bed by two very handsy security guards. I try to argue until one of them says, "Look, you have two choices: either you go back to your room, cool off, and sleep, or we're kicking you out and forbidding you to come back." This snaps me out of my mood instantly, as I realize that I could actually be banned from the hospital and not be allowed to see Nate again.
"Okay, okay, I'll be quiet. I'll go back to my room. Just don't keep me from my brother," I say desperately.
"Fine, we'll escort you back to make sure you actually stay there. But if we hear one sound from you or if we are told that you have been rude to the night nurses, we'll kick you out," the guard warns.
I go back to my room and lie down quietly in bed, but I can't sleep because Izzy's words have been running through my head all night. Shit, I did this. I hurt the only person I have ever loved. Maybe I really am a monster, just like Dad. I look at the clock and notice it's already 3 a.m. I quietly open the door and see that there's only one person at the nurse’s station.
I watch through the blinds until I see him leave the desk to make himself something to drink, and I take the opportunity to escape. I quickly sneak down the corridor and head to my brother's ward. I notice that the redhead nurse has finally gone, and there is a young nurse alone in the ward. I put on my most seductive voice.
"Hey, I'm Gabe, my brother is over there in that room. I've been here all day, and I think I may have left my charger behind. Is it okay if I pop in and get it?" I say, trying to sound as sweet and wholesome as possible, the same way I’ve seen Tucker and Nate use their charm to convince people to trust them. These sickly sweet words burn in my mouth, but for Nate, I'm willing to try anything.
"It's after visiting hours, I can't really let you in."
"Come on. I'll only be a moment; no one else has to know."