Page 34 of Forever Entwined
"Oh yeah, it was done by one of the students in Mr. Baxter's advanced art classes," Mrs. C. says proudly.
The two women continue to walk and talk while my brain begins to put the pieces together. Those deep green eyes. The fact they used to remind me of the villains in my beloved Disney movies. I've always joked that anyone with eyes that color must be evil — there's no doubt in my mind. The angry looking man outside the school was Gabriel! If Gabe is here, it must mean Nathaniel is too! The thoughts and memories flood through my head like a surge of electricity. I feel dizzy and excited at the same time. I make my excuses and rush outside, hoping to spot Nathaniel, but when I get out, both Gabriel and his bike are gone.
AGE 21
I'm standing outside the high school, the last place I ever thought I would find myself again, impatiently waiting for Nate to show up. I specifically told him to meet me at eleven o'clock, yet the little shit is almost fifteen minutes late already. If he knew all the strings and favors I had to pull with the head teacher to get him enrolled here, he'd thank me.
The decrepit old principal here has hated me for months, ever since I started dating some seniors, which apparently led to a cat fight between the two girls I was sleeping with at the time. I don't know why the girls made such a fuss in the first place. I was honest and told both of them from the beginning that we weren't exclusive and that I didn't do girlfriends. So technically, it's not even my fault that they both caught feelings. Stupid girls, they both thought they'd be the one to change this bad boy.Yeah, right.I scoff
I'm about to hop on my Harley and ride away when I see a familiar looking lady walking up the stairs toward me. I stop to stare at her, silently hoping it’s not Mrs. Williams. I can feel the venom building up in my body at the mere sight of her. And of course, things get much worse when I see a girl walking right behind her. I remember when I was a kid, Nathaniel used to say Isabella was the only girl in the family, and how we used to joke that she was the family princess. So there is no doubt in my mind that the girl has to be Izzy. Although she looks nothing like the annoying little girl I remember Nate sneaking off to meet. Now she's a woman, with long blonde hair, sexy curves, and a decent sized rack, all flaunted in a cute, little summer dress.Damn, how I love summer dress season. Or maybe it's just the lack of clothes women seem to wear that allows me to see all my favorite parts?
When I look at her, other parts of me almost take over my reasoning, until I remember that all of this, our move, and the forced separation from Nate are all her fault. It's because of her that I broke my promise to Mom and have been all alone for the last few years. It all started because of her and her big, fat mouth. I look up and realize she's staring at me, so I give her my bestfuck off, before I kick your asslook until she looks away.
I can't help but wonder what she's doing here and when she came back. I know it must have been recently because I've passed her grandparents' house numerous times on the way through since I got back. At first, I just watched them, then I started playing little tricks on them. I slashed a few tires, smashed a few bottles outside their house, and put weed killer in all their rose bushes. It came to a head on the first birthday without Nate when I went out and got drunk and decided to throw a brick through their front window. Luckily, I missed, but it was enough to bring me back to reality a little bit because if I ended up in jail, I would never see Nathaniel again.
Besides, if she's back in town, that can only mean trouble. I'm going to make it my mission to make sure Nate doesn't see her because I know once he does, it's game over. He's been in love with her and pining after her for as long as I can remember, and I know if she shows up again and plays with his emotions, I'll risk losing my brother forever. I know that even now, he’d follow her to the end of the earth.
I'm running around like a madman. I was supposed to meet Gabe ten minutes ago, but I've been thinking way too long about what to wear and how to look. Today there is an open house at my new school, Avery High, and they always have a big summer carnival. I remember my brother telling me about it when we were kids. About all the fun things they have there and how it's the place to be for all the popular kids to be seen before school starts. The first time he went, he saved up for weeks to be able to afford the visit. If Bella really is in town, that's my best hope of finding out where she might be. I have to make sure I make the right first impression. Readying my nerves, I send a quick text to Gabe, grab my keys, and head out.
Nate:Sorry, Gabe, I lost track of time. I'll be there in about 15 minutes.
Gabe:You have 10 or I'm leaving!
Nate:Alright, I'll be there as soon as I can
A few minutes later, I'm just getting off my bike when I get another text message.
Gabe:Change of plans, let's meet for lunch instead.
Nate:I'm already here, where are you?
Gabe:Meet me at the soccer field.
Nate:I don't know where that is, it's my first time at the school, remember? I'm parked near the main office.
Gabe:Alright, I'll come to you then.
Gabe arrives a few minutes later. "Should we go in?" I ask him, but looking closer, Gabe seems angry. " What's your problem…"
"Nothing." he bites out, "we’ll get a drink.." he adds, virtually dragging me away.What the fuck is up with him?I wonder.
About thirty minutes later, after much pleading, I finally persuade him to go in, and we're greeted by the principal, Mrs. Cross. She gives us a tour of the school.
"So let's head to my office." The principal suggests.
I follow behind and can't help but hear Gabe grumbling and probably swearing under his breath.
As we walk in, she immediately sits behind her desk, somehow looking even more authoritarian than she did before. I chose the chair directly opposite her desk. I notice how the light from the window behind me seems to glisten against the photo frames stacked on her desk. But Gabe stands, leaning against the door, legs crossed. Arms folded, sporting his signature pissed off look.
"Sit down," I mouth silently, but Gabe just flips me off. I whip my head around to the principal, ready to apologize, but thankfully she's busy looking in her drawer of paperwork.