Page 36 of Forever Entwined
"Yeah, I agree." I nod. "We’ll wait here until you get back."
"Baby, come on, you know I love carousels. It's soooo romantic," Ava whines, reaching for Tucker's hand and clearly sulking.
"How about I just be romantic and kiss you when you get off?" Tucker laughs as the two girls walk ahead.
"At least I've got you. Harper's just broken up with her boyfriend, so it's been as bad as having two girlfriends, without any of the fun recently. Anytime we go out, Ava invites her along," Tucker explains, rolling his eyes. "Not that I mind, of course; I adore the girl, but between Ava, Harper, and Harper's sister Riley, I'm seriously in need of some testosterone in my life."
How the heck am I supposed to reply to that?
We're just in time to see the girls jump on board and meet two other girls on the carousel. "We'll go sit on that bench to wait for them if you'd like,'' Tucker suggests. Just as I'm turning to follow him, I hear that unmistakable laugh again. Without thinking, I run, jumping over the small railing and onto the carousel just as it starts to spin. I hear a voice shout, but it's too late. We're already moving, and the sound of the music' is too loud to hear what is being said. Quickly finding an empty horse to sit on before I fall over, I begin looking all around, hoping to find where that beautiful sound came from. She's on here somewhere; I know it. I can feel my body tingle from the proximity alone.
Harper squeals, throwing her arm around me. "This is our friend Ava." Before I've even had a chance to open my mouth to say hi, Ava has flung her arms around me and is hugging me tightly.
"Let the girl breathe, for god’s sake," Riley teases.
"Sorry, '' Ava replies, finally releasing me from her death grip. "These two haven't shut up about you for days. I feel like we're besties already."
Besties? I barely know her.Although, I already know I'm going to like her.
"About time you arrived, it's no fun playing third wheel," Harper complains.
"I'm so sorry…" I begin, but Riley cuts me off.
"I would happily be a third wheel," Riley says with a smirk.
"Yeah, a third wheel in our bedroom, you perv," Ava snaps back, giving Riley a small push and almost knocking him into the person in front of him, standing in line for the carousel.
I don't know what to say or do in this situation. Harper must sense this as she leans in and whispers, "you’ll get used to those two. Don't be fooled; they squabble and tease constantly, but they're best of friends really"
"Oh, okay." I smile. God, these girls are so different from what I'm used to. My parents would die on the spot if they could hear us now, knowing they would disapprove of their perfect and quiet little girl talking about bedrooms and threesomes. That thought alone is enough to push me further out of my comfort zone.
We jump on the carousel and continue laughing and joking as we pick our favorite horses.
"So, where is my favorite hot jock anyway?" Riley continues.
"Well, MY hot jock is being a spoilsport and refuses to join us," Ava sulks.
"So he’s just there by himself, waiting for all of us?" Harper asks, sounding concerned.
"Nah, he's made a new friend. Actually, he's kinda cute; maybe I could hook you up, Rilez. Then you can leave my man alone for once." Ava laughs, giving her a playful shove.
"I'm taking you up on that, Ava." Riley grins.
"He’s still gotta grovel when we're done, though," Ava adds.
I look over to see the twins smirking.
"Why?" I find myself asking, feeling like I must have missed something.
"Because she's a control freak who hates being told no," Harper informs me.
"Damn right! Treat ‘em mean; keep ‘em keen. If he wants to earn my forgiveness, he can do it in the form of cotton candy as big as my head." The image alone brings a smile to my face, and before I know it, I'm laughing.I friggin’ love this girl already.
The ride begins moving, and I get that strange feeling that someone is watching me again. I look around, trying to see, as the ride begins to move faster and faster. My gaze locks with a pair of ice blue eyes, and I gasp. I close my eyes, trying to compose myself, then look again, but they're gone.