Page 52 of Forever Entwined
Tucker:Ooh, Nana has a crush on Nate.
Nate:If that's the case, I'll be there early x
I charge my phone, brush my teeth quickly, put on my pajamas, and climb into bed, where I fall asleep almost as soon as my head hits the pillow
"Hey baby, it's me," I say, even though I know she can see me.
"Nate, it's 7 a.m. I'm not ready for facetime," she whines, trying to cover her face.
"You look beautiful as always, Bella. I just needed to see your face. I can hang up if you really don't want to talk," I offer, silently hoping that she doesn't take me up on it.
"No, it's fine. Give me a second," she says, leaning over to turn on the lamp.
I watch her and realize, to my surprise, that she's only wearing a thin, white undershirt that's doing absolutely NOTHING to hide the fact that she's not wearing a bra. My cock immediately jumps straight to attention at this sight. Man,this isn't helping me. I try to listen as she tells me the plan for dinner with her grandparents later today. She goes into detail about what time, who's coming, and what we're going to be eating for dinner. But as I look at her, I'm much more distracted by the little pebbled peaks poking through her top and the fact that my mouth is starting to water at the sight. To make matters worse, Bella doesn't seem to notice at all. She laughs and tells me a story or two, but all I can focus on is the way her breasts bounce and jiggle as she laughs and throws her head back.What I wouldn't give to be lying next to her right now.
"Are you listening to me, Nate?" Bella asks, and it's only then that I realize I must have zoned out.
"Yeah, sorry, the connection is bad. What did you say?" I ask, trying not to drool while also mentally scolding myself for being such a... well, typical man.
"I was just asking if you could pick up some bread rolls on the way here, so I don't have to run to the store later?" she says.
"Yes, of course! Don't worry; I got you girl," I reply, cringing.I got you, girl? What the hell am I even saying?It's pretty obvious which head has all the blood rushing to it right now, I guess. "Anyway, I've got to go and jump in the shower, and get ready for work, so I'll see you soon," I say before hanging up.
I get in the shower and am ashamed to admit that I spend much longer than necessary in there today, pumping my cock to the memory of her beautiful breasts. When the water finally gets cold and I'm sure it's impossible to unload anymore, I get out of the shower and quickly get dressed before heading to work, knowing I'malready late.
All day, all I can think about is seeing Bella and her family tonight.I hope it goes well.
As soon as my shift ends, I race home to shower and get changed as quickly as possible, then head into town to get a few things before visiting Bella and her grandparents. Now here I am standing in the flower store looking at all the different bouquets. I'm starting to feel confused and overwhelmed trying to find the perfect bouquet when I feel a little tap on my back.
"Excuse me, young man, you look a little lost. Is there anything I can help you with?" an old man questions with a small smile.
"Probably, I'm meeting my girl's grandparents for dinner. So I want to make a good impression," I reply truthfully.
"Oh, is this the first time you've met the family? Is this girl special?" he snoops, and his little smile gets wider and perkier.
"Kind of, I haven't seen them since I was a young boy, but this will be the first time they see me as hopefully more than just a childhood friend," I answer honestly. "And yes, she's special. She's going to be my wife one day; she just doesn't know it yet!" I hear myself say, without even meaning to share that much.
"In that case, you can't go wrong with lilies for Grandma. I'll even throw in some sunflowers for your little lady. Roses are too common and overused. Sunflowers express young love much better," he informs me, walking around the counter to find what he needs. "Now then, tell me all about this girl," the old man says, as I watch him carefully select the perfect flowers for the bouquet.
"Well, her name is Bella. We met as kids and were childhood best friends…" I begin, deciding to tell him the short version of our story, "...and then we reconnected a few days ago and have been inseparable since."
"Wow, just a few days and you've already decided that you're going to marry her one day?" Don't you want to see who else is out there first? You're still so young." He replies, staring at me and holding a single flower in his hand.
"I don't need to; I know she's the only one for me. She's the kindest, sweetest, most genuine person I've ever met. Every second we're together, she makes me laugh and smile. She gives me a reason to wake up every morning, even during my darkest times, she is my guiding light of hope and goodness. She makes me want to be a better person. We may be young, but that just means we get to spend longer growing old together," I reply, a little shocked at my honesty because I'm not usually the best at opening up to new people.
"Wow," the old man sniffles, wiping a single tear from his eye. "It's rare to find a true love like that these days, hold on to it and never let it go," the man says, finally finishing the bouquet he started. He wraps the lilies in cellophane and paper. But when it comes to the sunflowers, I notice that he surrounds them with leaves and tiny white flowers before tying the bouquet together with string.
"Wow, these look so beautiful, almost like they were handpicked," I say with a smile.
"That's what I was going for. After hearing your story, I thought sweet, simple, handpicked flowers would be a better fit. It’s not too late; you can change it if you don’t like them," he offers, looking a little unsure of himself now.
"No, they look perfect," I say, admiring the flowers with a smile because I know how much Bella will love them.