Page 75 of Forever Entwined
Pulling over so I can give her the attention she needs, I stop and turn towards her. "Bella, never for a second did it even occur to me not to believe you. I trust you."
"Really, you do?" Bella replies, sounding mystified.
"Of course I do. I know I can be a hothead, and get a little jealous at times, but that's more about them than you. I don't like the idea of other men disrespecting or leering over you. That doesn't mean you ever have to worry about not being allowed male friends, baby. I want to protect you, not possess you."
"I don't feel that way at all. I just don't want you to think I'm going to hurt you, because I never would. Especially not like that," she says, and I can see the way her lip quivers slightly as she desperately tries to prove herself to me.
"Oh, my silly girl, you don't have to prove anything to me. No matter what anyone says, I'll always believe you first."
Bella throws her arms around my neck and hugs me tightly. "Thank you baby. I love you so much."
"I love you more. Next time, though, don't get yourself upset. Just talk to me. And feel free to kick Gabe next time he tries upsetting you." I giggle, trying to lighten the mood.
"I actually thought about it," she admits with a giggle.
"Now, do you want to go to the movies or somewhere different? The choice is yours."
"No, I still want to go. Let me just fix my face first."
We make our way into the cinema and up to the check-out.
"What can I get for you?" the cashier asks.
"Two tickets, please."
"Sure sir, what would you like to see?"
"Erm, we didn't get that far, did we? '' I smile, looking at Bella.
We both begin scanning the list of movies behind him, not seeing anything that catches our eye. That is, until I spot one name and know instantly what Bella will want to see, even if she won't ask.
"Two for The Little Mermaid, please."
"Really??" Bella squeals beside me.
"Are you sure, sir? We have some good horrors on, or The Flash playing in half an hour."
"Nope, The Little Mermaid is fine. It's my girlfriend's favorite Disney movie."
I hear a little chuckle from beside me as Bella mutters the wordgirlfriendand smirks.
"Of course, sir."
We collect our drinks and popcorn and are making our way to our seats when Bella begins smirking and chuckling again. "You called me your girlfriend."
"Well, I didn't think he would believe you were my great grandma," I deadpan.
"You've never called me your girlfriend before. I like it."
"You're such a weirdo, Bella." I laugh, giving her a gentle nudge as we sit down.
"That's fine, my BOYFRIEND likes me being a weirdo," she replies, poking out her tongue.
The movie starts, and from the second it does, Bella beams like the Cheshire cat. I watch her with awe as she sings along to every song, even putting on a little accent for the crab. There's hardly anyone else in the cinema apart from one other family with young children sitting towards the front. Yet, I might as well be at a concert with the way Bella sings along to each and every word.
"Sing along," she demands when it comes to one of the few songs I actually know. Although I don't know many of the words, I try anyway.
The movie comes to an end, and the lights come on. I look over at Bella and she's still grinning like a child. Even though this isn't how I would have liked to spend the last two hours, I'm so glad I did. Seeing Bella so happy and carefree just makes me love her even more.