Page 88 of Forever Entwined
"I'm out," I say, throwing my cards on the table. "Who wants a beer?" offering, I leave the two guys, who are now in a staredown.
I come back a few minutes later, returning with a couple of beers and a soda, as well as a bowl of potato chips. Tucker tells me that my phone has been buzzing like crazy. I unlock it and see four unread messages.Damn, I've only been gone for five minutes.
My Bella: hey, nana and pops are leaving at 9, want to meet up around 12?
My Bella: I’ve got to do something first, but I'll meet you at our spot.
My Bella: bring a spare set of clothes
My Bella: I love you, text me back soon xx
"What caught your attention?" asks Tucker as he looks over my shoulder. I try to close my phone, but it's too late. He clearly read my messages.
"That's odd," he remarks, giving me a squinty look.
"Right? It's unusually cryptic for Bella," I reply as I take a much-needed sip of my drink.
"I bet it's what we were talking about earlier," Tucker adds.
"What's going on?" asks Gabe as he snatches my phone off the table, reading my messages. "What's so odd? What were you guys talking about earlier?" Gabe demands rudely.
I don't want to tell him because I feel like I'd be betraying Bella's trust by doing so, but at the same time, I feel like this is the kind of thing brothers should be able to talk about. I'm still struggling with my own decision when I hear Tucker explain.
"So, Izzy's grandparents are gone all weekend, and she is staying home alone instead of visiting her parents," he begins, as he starts to count with his fingers as if he's tallying up the clues. "All the girls left school early, but they didn't tell us why," he adds, holding up a second finger. "She canceled her plans with us over the weekend, which none of the girls questioned. So obviously, they know something we don't. Now, to top it all off, she's telling him to meet her for a surprise date, for which he'll have to pack spare clothes."
Then he turns to me, a mischievous smile appearing on his face, before he adds, "Do you think she's going to invite you to spend the night?" asks Tucker, rubbing his chin as if he's solving some great who dunnit style mystery.
"Get in there! Fun sex-filled weekend for you then." Gabe laughs, raising his hand to give me a high five, but I just look at him.
"It's not like that." I snap
"What, you've been together for a year and you're not even fucking yet?" Gabe exclaims, astonished.
I feel my temperature rise at the way he's talking about her. "Not that it's anyone else's business, but no. She's not ready," I snap, slamming my hand down on the table.I should have known opening up to this asshole would be a mistake.
"She's not ready," Nate snaps as he slams his hand down. I can see it's more out of a need to protect her than genuine anger.
"Woah, no need to hulk out. I was just asking." We sit in silence for a moment as I watch Nate calm down. Tucker looks like he's begging the floor to open up and swallow him whole.He's nice enough, I guess, but a total pussy when it comes to any type of conflict.
"Look, we can talk about it if you want. " I offer reluctantly.Talking about my brother's sex life, or lack thereof, as it seems, is the last thing I want to be doing on a Friday night, but I can see something gnawing away at him.
"You say one nasty thing, and I'll kick your ass," Nate grunts as he looks at me with a slight smile.
"I'll try as hard as I can. That's the best I can offer, dude," I mumble.
"How about I get us all another beer and soda?" Tucker adds.Shit, I had completely forgotten he was still here.
"Order some pizza, too," snaps Nate, sounding much ruder than usual.
We go to the lounge and talk. Nate finally admits that both he and Izzy are virgins, which completely shocks me.No wonder she got so offended when I called her a whore the night she bailed me out. He doesn't say it explicitly, but the way he tenses and clenches his fist as he talks about her being the one who wants to wait makes me feel like there's more to the story.
Tucker, who obviously has no idea how to read between the lines,maybe because he's never experienced it,makes jokes about how adorable it is that they both decided to wait all these years for the other.
After we finish our conversation and pizza, Tucker heads home. I, on the other hand, decide to knock on Nate's door, pushing my pride and embarrassment aside to see if he wants to talk further. Before I do, though, I take a few shots of whiskey to take the edge off. Then, I knock on the door.