Page 39 of Tempests of Truth
“Why do you ask?” Clay raised an eyebrow. “Are you thinking of abandoning your plan to return to Calista once you graduate, Luna?” He seemed aware—and mildly disapproving—of whatever she truly meant, although I had no idea what it could be.
“No, of course not! I could never do that.” She hesitated, as if realizing what she’d just said. “But that’s not to say I might not change my mind one day—in the distant future, I mean. Maybe one day I’ll return to Tartora. Life moves through seasons, however long or short they may be.”
When no one immediately answered, Hayes gave her a repressive look. “I think that’s enough life wisdom for a midday meal. I believe we need to make some plans for how we’re going to get through every person on the island—twice—before the end of winter.”
Luna subsided at the mild reprimand, but I could see from the twinkle in her eyes that she wasn’t truly put off. Whatever was lurking in her mind was still bubbling just as strongly as before.
When the day finally ended, we headed for bed at the same time for once. We had been sharing a room ever since the manor filled with returning foresters, but we were usually on different schedules.
“What was that about?” I asked as I slipped into bed, turning on my side to face her.
“Huh?” She finished brushing her hair and dove into her bed in her usual exuberant fashion.
“At lunch. All that talk of life seasons and people changing. You weren’t listening in on Nik and my conversation, were you?”
She giggled. “If you try to tell me he’s fallen out of love with you because his devotion was just a phase, I’m not going to believe you.”
I flushed. “No, of course not. I just wondered…What were you talking about?”
“Amara and Hayes, of course!”
I pulled my pillow into a more comfortable position. “What do you think they were all talking about before we came in?”
She sighed dramatically. “I wish I knew!” She sat up abruptly. “Do you think Hayes told Clay to back off? I know Clay’s interested in Amara, but Hayes isn’t doing anything about it!” She groaned and flopped back onto her pillow.
“What do you think he should do about it?” I asked.
“Declare his passionate love, of course,” she said promptly. I laughed and she gave me a hurt look. “Don’t try to say he doesn’t love her because I know he does.”
“Oh, he confided in you, did he?” I asked still chuckling.
“He doesn’t need to,” she said airily. “I can see it.”
“Do you really find it so thrilling?” I regarded her curiously from across the room. She seemed so invested in the romance story she’d crafted in her mind.
“Can you blame me? Hayes has stayed loyal to her through all these years, and now circumstances have brought them together again.” Her excitement fell away as she added, “I just really want it to work out this time.”
I examined her face with a bemused smile. “You sound like you’re worried about him.”
“I am!” She gave me an earnest look. “Master Hayes has been nothing but kind and considerate since the moment he activated me. And not just me. He literally saved my people. I couldn’t tell you how many of my friends and family would be dead right now if it wasn’t for him. And when we arrived at the Guild, everything was so new and overwhelming, but he helped me to adjust—and my family as well. He looked after all of us.”
“I understand,” I said softly. “Amara has been the same for me, even if my family isn’t involved.”
The start of Luna’s apprenticeship had been even more dramatic than mine, but I felt the same gratitude toward my activator as she clearly did to hers. I had only adjusted to the dramatic changes in my life because of Amara’s care and understanding.
“It sounds like Hayes is on his way to becoming the Master of Healing, though,” I said. “Why would you be worried about him?”
She gave an exaggerated sigh. “My two year apprenticeship finishes this winter, so I’ll be officially graduating as soon as we get back to the Guild. And then I’ll be returning to Calista. I’m excited to go back to my homeland and join in rebuilding it, but I don’t feel like I can leave with an easy heart.”
I tried to hide a smile at my nineteen-year-old friend’s world-weary air as she considered the burden of caring for her more powerful and more experienced activator.
“Was he having such a hard time before he took you on as his apprentice, then?” I asked.
“Before he activated me, he was Master Colton’s second, and seconds don’t take apprentices,” she explained. “So he’d been alone for a long time.”
“You don’t think he’ll take on another apprentice after you graduate? Maybe even more than one?”
She pursed her lips. “He probably will. Affinity heads are expected to have a whole group of apprentices since they’re so strong themselves. But that doesn’t mean they’re close relationships—especially since it’s their seconds who do the heavy lifting of training and corralling the students. Besides, Hayes doesn’t need more people who regard him with grateful admiration. He needs an equal who loves him. Someone who can help him take on the difficult role of guiding an affinity and helping to run the kingdom.”